2024 Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Programme
Published by Rockfield Media
In partnership with Salford City Council (SCC) British Dragon Boat Racing Assocaition (BDA)
Endorsed and supported by Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Manchester
Faciliated by Suman Education International
With additional supports provided by Bolton Council Bury Council Manchester City Council Oldham Council Rochdale Council Stockport Council
Tamedale Council Trafford Council
Ambassador of China
值此第十届全英中华端午龙舟会举办之际,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向全英 广大侨胞和各界朋友们致以诚挚的节日问候。
百舸争流千帆竞,乘风破浪正远航。赛龙舟是中国端午节最为重要的民俗活动之 一,已流传两千多年,深受中国人民喜爱,积淀了深厚的中国传统文化内涵, 传承了丰富的中华民族精神特质。随着华侨华人的足迹遍布世界各地,中国的 赛龙舟与西方国家体育竞技文化不断交流融合,吸引世界各国健儿积极参与龙 舟竞渡、奋勇夺标,生动体现和诠释了人类命运共同体理念。 在英华侨华人积极举办龙舟赛,新华联谊会作为其中的佼佼者,牵头成功举办 了九届全英中华端午龙舟会,并以此为平台,与索尔福德市、英国龙舟竞赛协 会等多方强强联合,打造过硬品牌,丰富多元文化,反哺当地社会,带动当地 发展,走出共建共享共融共赢的新路子,树立中英民间交流的新标杆,很好促 进了中英民间友好、民心相通。 我相信,此次第十届龙舟会必将秉承继往开来的优良传统,更上一层楼。我希 望,以龙舟会为平台,汇聚八方友朋,扩大交流合作;以龙舟会为纽带,促进 民心相通,深化民间友好;以龙舟会为契机,乘风破浪,顺势而为,推动中英 关系行稳致远。 预祝第十届全英中华端午龙舟会圆满成功! 祝各位参赛选手赛出佳绩、赛出友谊! I’m really proud that the Dragon Boat Festival is returning to Salford Quays for another year. This event, which is the largest Dragon Boat Race in Europe, provides an exhilarating spectacle whilst celebrating Chinese culture, sport and tradition. As well as joining in with the ancient tradition of Dragon Boat Racing, the festival also provides a unique chance for our Chinese diaspora to share cultural displays, folk songs & dancing and of course delicious cuisine. My thanks to the Xinhua Chinese Association for once again bringing this great event to Salford, and best of luck to all the teams taking part! I’m really proud that the Dragon Boat Festival is returning to Salford Quays for another year. This event, which is the largest Dragon Boat Race in Europe, provides an exhilarating spectacle whilst celebrating Chinese culture, sport and tradition. As well as joining in with the ancient tradition of Dragon Boat Racing, the festival also provides a unique chance for our Chinese diaspora to share cultural displays, folk songs & dancing and of course delicious cuisine. My thanks to the Xinhua Chinese Association for once again bringing this great event to Salford, and best of luck to all the teams taking part! City Mayor of Salford 中华人民共和国驻英国特命全权大使 郑泽光 2024年6月
Paul Dennett City Mayor of Salford
ABOUT THE EVENT ORGANISER XINHUA CHINESE ASSOCIATION Xinhua Chinese Association (XCA) was established in Manchester in 2004. The association represents a new generation of Chinese people. Most of the XCA members originally came to the UK for academic studies, later settling down as professionals working in and contributing to many field including Education, Science and Technology, Medicine and Business.
Chairman of XCA, Retired Director of CS Energy Consultancy Dr Hanxin Yang
Ms Xuebing Li
Vice Chairman and Secretary General of XCA, MD of Suman Education, MD of Imperial 21 Joya Dr Yanzhong Xu
Vice Chairman of XCA, Reader in Textile Materials, University of Manchester Dr Xiaogang Chen
Vice Chairwomen of XCA, Head of Choir Group, Director of LaChine LinCom Ltd
Dr Ning Su
Deputy Secretary-General of XCA, CEO of Suman Education Ms Lucky Jili Deng
Dr Yihong Song
Ms Qing Zhang
Treasurer of XCA, Director of LaChine LinCom Ltd
Culture & Arts Director of XCA, Head of Dancing Group, Senior Clinical Physiologist
Sports & Fitness Director of XCA,
Medical Lab Technician, University of Manchester
XCA strives to promote Chinese culture in the UK and provides a platform for Chinese people to have their voices heard and to get involved in the mainstream social activities. Over the past years, XCA has organised all sorts of social and cultural activities and events for its members and the general public. The UK Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most high-profile events organised by XCA.
Membership Director of XCA, Acupuncturist, Stockport Ms Hongwei Wang
Health and Hygiene Director of XCA, Lecturer in Textile Science & Engineering, University of Manchester Dr Jiashen Li
Fine Arts Director of XCA, Professor of Control Systems, University of Manchester Prof Zhengtao Ding
Youth Education Director of XCA, Head of Bowen Education Ms Jessica Chang
Public Services Director of XCA, Public Servant, Salford City Council Ms Lingling Cao
CPD Director of XCA, Director of Food Engineering, Dr Hongwei Zhang
Prof Jianren Lü
Non-executive Director of XCA, Director of LPRC, University of Manchester Prof Lin Li
Non-executive Director of XCA, Professor of EEE, University of Manchester Prof Wuqiang Yang
Non-executive Director of XCA,
Head of Biological Physics, University of Manchester
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Since the Xinhua Chinese Association (XCA) introduced the first UK Chinese Dragon Boat Festival (UCDBF) in Salford in 2012, XCA has developed it through continuous effort into a popular and well-known community event in Britain, with the support from local councils, Consulate-General of PRC in Manchester, local communities, universities, businesses and UK Chinese Students and Scholars Associations. This event has made great contributions to enriching the cultural and sports life of Greater Manchester, promoting the inclusive multicultural society, as well as the Anglo-China friendship and civil exchanges. The 2024 Dragon Boat Festival marks the continuation of this beloved tradition, once again in strategic partnership with Salford City Council and the British Dragon Boat Racing Association, which is recognised by the UK Sports Council as the national governing body of Dragon Boat Racing throughout Great Britain. On this occasion, we, the XCA, would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all who have generously supported the event, especially to the VIP guests for attending the ceremonies during the event.
We also wish to express our sincere thanks to our supporters.
Title Sponsor
Premium Sponsor
Midea Home Appliances UK
Yanghe & Imperial 21 Joya
and all other key sponsors and supporters of this year’s event:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Azuma Restaurant Glamorous Restaurant Wing Yip J Dynasty Restaurant AC Jade Trading Ltd Bowen Education
Bank of China Hainan Airline HSBC China Taiping Insurance (UK) Co Ltd
Peace Garden Restaurant The Beehive Offices Ltd Sovereign Transport Services Manchester Airport HANDSN UK Ltd Suman Education International Shizhen TCM Ltd Miluo City, China UK Chinese Culinary Culture Association Live Seafood Ltd Juneyao Airlines Shulan College of Chinese Medicine Golden Health Clinic Lee Kai Hung Foundation
Rockfield Media 9M Funcu Bistro
New World Imports (UK) Ltd The Silk Road Foundation CIC Blackpool Chinese Community Association Jinlong Chinese Martial Arts Academy Beijing Construction Engineering Group International Berry's Jewellers
All-China Federation of Returned Chinese Shanxi Federation of Returned Chinese Ansai County, China Liangzhu Culture Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London MATCM AcuHealth Sushi Mami Restraurant
Photo credit: ITV News
The XCA is very grateful to the UK Government and the Royal Household of Kensington Palace for their kind words of support recently. Sadly, the Prince and Princess of Wales are unable to attend this year’s opening ceremony, but as a Dragon Boat racing participant during his time in Singapore last year, His Royal Highness is fully aware of the spectacular fun everyone is going to have this weekend. We are also delighted to be supporting the charity Action for Children once again this year, a charity of which the Princess of Wales is the Royal Patron. DRAGON BOAT TEAMS 2024 Bank of China Bank of East Asia BCEGI BDB Special Projects Bowen Education Che Kung Tong • Joya Yanghe • Keele University-CSSA Manchester-China Friendship Programme • • • LIVERPOOL CSSA-1 LIVERPOOL CSSA-2 • • • • •
Manchester United Foundation • Manchester Museum • Midea UK •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chinese Consulate General in Manchester
City in the Community
Confucius Institute University of Huddersfield
New Jackson Dragons • Puff The Tragic Dragon •
Q Energy • RXHK •
Salford City Splashers • Salford Red Devils • Salford Youth Zone • • Stockport Homes Group Wellspring Warriors • Sovereign Transport Services
CSSA SHEFFIELD CSSA YORK DRAGONWAVE CSSA-MAN CSSA-North East Five Uni Decon Demons #TeamNorthCare Federation of Chinese Associations of Manchester Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer HAINAN AIRLINES HSBC
• The Cargill Canoe • The Chinese Northeast Federation • • The Lowry YHG / Wai Yin Society • Your Housing Group (YHG) • The Belt & Road Association (UK)
UK Chinese dragon boat racing this year has attracted 44 teams in 2024. The racing game is organised and managed by a professional company to guarantee that the racing is fun and fair. Building on the success of previous years, we will be showcasing highly entertaining dragon boat races and authentically traditional Chinese cultural attractions. These will feature traditional lion dance, Chinese Shaolin Kungfu, an exhilarating waist drum performance by talents from its origin in Ansai, China, Chinese folk dancing, and a taste of traditional Chinese food like Zongzi, among much more.
It’s a truly wonderful event for the whole family and a fantastic chance to experience authentic Chinese culture.
Since the second Dragon Boat Festival in 2013, a team from the Consulate-General of the PRC in Manchester has participated in the competition. The Greater Manchester Police Team has won twice and finished as runner-up once since they started participating in the event in 2016. • • • In 2019, the police teams from Wuhan and Manchester (twin sister cities) won the championship and runner-up positions, respectively. • In 2022, CSSA - Hull won the championship. In 2023, the event heralded a new era of sports and culture entertainment as it was jointly orchestrated for the first time by XCA, SCC, and BDA, setting a new benchmark for collaborative excellence. •
Dragon boat race is a team paddling sport of dragon boat racing. It is not competition-oriented; anyone can enter the race, with no experience required.
Dragon Boat Crew Each team has ten paddlers, one drummer and one steersman, who is assigned by the event organizer. The pulsation of the drum beats produced by the drummer may be considered the “heartbeat” of the dragon boat. The drummer leads the paddlers throughout a race using the rhythmic drum beat to indicate the frequency and synchronisation of all the paddlers’ strokes (that is, the cadence, picking up or
Steersman Also known as the sweep, the steersman steers the dragon boat with a sweep oar that is rigged at the rear of the boat, typically on the left side. This is done by using the oar as a rudder, while the boat is moving, or by sweeping the stern of the boat sideways by pulling or pushing water with the oar as the boat is moving slowly or stationary.
The paddlers sit facing forward in the boat and use a specific type of paddle, which, unlike a rowing sweep or scull, is not rigged to the racing watercraft in any way. Therefore, Dragon boaters are paddlers not rowers or oarsmen/women.
accelerating the pace, slowing the rate, etc.)
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The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duan Wu Festival, falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month of the Chinese calendar, which is June 10th this year. It is a day celebrated to commemorate the life and death of one of China’s most famous citizens. Qu Yuan, who lived in the pre-imperial Warring States period (475-221 BC), is a central figure in the festival's history
Qu Yuan is popularly regarded as a minister in one of the Warring State governments, the southern state of Chu (present day Hunan and Hubei provinces), a champion of political loyalty and integrity, and eager to maintain the Chu state’s autonomy and hegemony. Formerly, it was believed that the Chu monarch fell under the influence of other corrupt, jealous ministers who slandered Qu Yuan as ‘a thorn in his side’ and therefore he banished Qu, his most loyal counsellor.
In the year 278 BC, upon hearing of the upcoming devastation of his state from invasion by a neighbouring State (Qin in particular), Qu Yuan is said to have waded into the Miluo River holding a great rock in order to commit ritual suicide as a form of protest against the corruption of the era. The Qin kingdom eventually conquered all of the other states including Chu and unified them into the first Chinese empire. The word China derives from the first dynasty of the empire, Qin, under the imperialist unifier Qin Shi Huang.
The common people, upon hearing of Qu Yuan's suicide, rushed out on the river in fishing boats, attempting to recover his body and honour his spirit. They beat drums and splashed the water with their paddles in order to keep the fish and evil spirits from his body. Later on, they scattered rice into the water to prevent him from suffering hunger. Another belief is that the people scattered rice to feed the fish, in order to prevent them from devouring Qu Yuan’s body.
According to legend, one night, the spirit of Qu Yuan appeared to his friends and explained that the rice meant for him was being intercepted by a huge river dragon. He asked his friends to wrap the rice into three-cornered silk packages to ward off the dragon. This has been a traditional food ever since known as Zongzi or sticky rice wrapped in leaves. In commemoration of Qu Yuan, people hold dragon boat races annually on the day of his death.
Liangzhu Culture 5,000 Years Ago
Located in the Yangtze River Basin of East China’s Zhejiang province, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (circa 3,300-2,300 BCE) reveal IV MIZTa ZMOQWVIT [\I\M _Q\P I ]VQÅML JMTQMN [a[\MU JI[ML WV ZQKM cultivation in Late Neolithic China. 1\ PI[ JMMV TQ[\ML I[ WVM WN \PM =VQ\ML 6I\QWV[ -L]KI\QWVIT ;KQMV\QÅK IVL +]T\]ZIT 7ZOIVQbI\QWV [ =6-;+7 ?WZTL 0MZQ\IOM [Q\M[ [QVKM !
"It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization." ·· Liangzhu City, Dam and Agricultural Achievement More than 80 years of archaeological excavations of the Liangzhu Culture have LQ[KW^MZML W^MZ Z]QV[ KW^MZQVO IV IZMI WN [Y]IZM SQTWUM\MZ[ “These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban XTIVVQVO I _I\MZ KWV[MZ^I\QWV [a[\MU IVL I [WKQIT PQMZIZKPa M`XZM[[ML QV LQ ٺ MZMV\QI\ML J]ZQIT[ QV KMUM\MZQM[ within the property.” ·· =6-;+7 CELEBRATING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL IN CHINA The dragon boats are traditionally made of teak wood to various designs and sizes, which usually have brightly decorated designs with the front end shaped like open-mouthed dragons, and the back end with a scaly tail. A sacred ceremony is performed before any competition in order to ‘bring the boat to life’ by painting the eyes. The real highlight of the festival is the spectacle of fierce-looking dragon boat racing, which is both lively and vibrant. Participants train in earnest for the competition. Sitting two abreast, the paddlers, with a steersman at the back and a drummer at the front, race the elaborately decorated dragon boats to the beat of heavy drums. What do people do? Why do people do this? The humid and muggy conditions around Duanwu are thought to increase the risk of disease. Ancient people considered this susceptibility to disease as the effect of evil spirits, which coincided with their belief about inauspicious days. Duanwu thus became a day for collective customs to purge poison and expel plagues annually on the day of his death. Hanging calamus and Wormwood People hang calamus and wormwood on the front door and windows, because they are in the shape of a sword and considered symbols of victory over illness and poison, people believe they possess qualities for protecting the house from the evil and bringing peace. Wearing fragrant sachets Chinese people, especially children, hang around their necks fragrant sachets, which are made from a variety of sewn bags and include the powders of acorus, Artemisia, realgar and other fragrant items, to avoid catching contagious diseases and to keep evil spirits away. All of these activities were regarded by the ancients as an effective way of preventing disease and evil, while promoting good health and well-being. INTERESTING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL CUSTOMS ACROSS CHINA Hong Kong On the day, the deity statues are put on sacred sampans towed by the dragon boats of the associations to parade through Tai O and to pacify the wandering water ghosts. Residents of the stilt houses along the water-course burn paper offerings as the dragon boats pass by. The deity statues are then returned to the respective temples after the ritual. During the annual Dragon Boat Festival, the famous Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade is held. Three fishermen associations in Tai O, the tranquil fishing village in west Lantou, organise a religious activity known as a “Deities Parade”. Sichuan In Sichuan, groups of four carry a large platform on bamboo poles. The platform has a red carpet and supports a statue of a Taoist deity riding a tiger, symbolizing protection and strength. The sound of gongs and drums accompany these people as they march in the street. Hunan In Hunan, rich families with pregnant women throw auspicious coins into a jar of wine. They then place the jar on the head of a dragon boat and pray for the successful birth of an heir. Less affluent families might offer chicken and wine as a sacrifice instead. People also make straw boats and let them float away as a symbol of expelling God of Plague. Taiwan In Taiwan, Duanwu is also called Wuri (Meaning Fifth Day) Festival. People believe that if you can balance a raw egg on its end at exactly noon on the day, it is believed to bring luck for the rest of the year. Another custom practiced in Taiwan is “fetching noon water”, in which people draw well water on the afternoon of the festival in the belief that it will cure all illness. 艾菁堂 Acuhealth Centre 曼彻斯特中医药学院 Manchester Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Cupping Moxibustion Chinese TuiNa Therapeutic Massage Osteopathy Chinese Herbal Medicine Pain Management Symptom Control Balancing Energy Prevention Palliative Care Addiction Women's Health Fertility Support IVF Assistant Facial Rejuvenation Mental Health Issue Post-Graduate Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine Post-Graduate Diploma of Chinese Herbal Therapy Dr. Mei XING Founder & Director of AcuHealth Centre Advanced Acupuncture Techniques CPD training Founder & Principal of MATCM President of ATCM MD (China) Combining Theoretical Teaching with Clinical Practice Member of British Acupuncture Council 40 20 Ms. Mei XING (currently the President of ATCM- Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine UK), founded the clinic and the academy with her nearly 40 years of clinical experience and 20 years of TCM teaching in universities across Europe. 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J Dynasty Restaurant Treat yourself and your loved ones to an authentic dining experience at J Dynasty restaurant. Our elegant environment is perfect for birthday parties and company dinners. We tailor our menu to suit your needs, ensuring a memorable and delicious dining experience for all. ABOUT OUR RESTAURANT BOOK NOW 6 days a week 12:00-2200 from the city center with free parking, J Dynasty is the perfect destination for a delicious and hassle-free dining experience. Experience the authentic flavors of Cantonese cuisine at J Dynasty restaurant. With a variety of Cantonese dishes, dim sum, and Asian cuisine, there's something to satisfy every craving. Conveniently located just 5 minutes 17 Anson road Manchester M14 5BZ 01616378920 www.jdynasty.co.uk last order 21:00 Closed Tuesday INTERESTING DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL FOOD Zongzi Tea Eggs Zongzi is glutinous rice wrapped in leaves with fillings, which can include egg, beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnut, mushroom, meat, or a combination of these. They are normally boiled in water. It is a traditional custom for Chinese people to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. Mianshanzi Mianshanzi is a type of wheat flour food made in the shape of a fan. It usually consists of five layers, with each layer covered with fried sprinkles of pepper powder. It is a popular Dragon Boat Festival food in Northwest China. Fried Cake Fried cake is a type of fried round cake made of wheat flour, rice, and sweet potato. In East China, every family eats fried cake during the Dragon Boat Festival as they believe that it will help mend the sky that once had a hole in it, which leads to non-stop rain in the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Glutinous Glutinous rice cakes are a popular delicacy for people who live in Northeast China. Zongzi is glutinous rice wrapped in leaves with fillings, which can include egg, beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnut, mushroom, meat, or a combination of these. They are normally boiled in water. It is a traditional custom for Chinese people to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. Working together with the world’s most exclusive brands www.berrysjewellers.co.uk LEEDS | YORK | HULL | WINDSOR | NOTTINGHAM | NEWCASTLE ZZZ SKRHQL[UF DXWRV FR XN 傉⒕ᰈ⃮ 峾崞溮⧉嶡ὼᾈ唥ᾳ峾嗤溣 峾崞ᰈ⃮ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ᱽ㍿ヺ㍈ ᮢ 掀㋎峾 ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ 嶙峾ᮢ 掀 㨕峾䲌ᶆ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ 㨕峾ᵵ搁 㨕峾嫀ᵵ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ 㨕峾ᱻ⋆ ㋑峾嫌伴 ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ ȅ 㨕峾≀奺 8QLW 6.$ %XVLQHVV 3DUN +XGGHUVILHOG +' /* *(7 ,1 728&+ UK CHINESE DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL SPONSORS Title Sponsor Premium Sponsor Key Sponsors Sponsors and Supporters ACKNOWLEDGMENT & APPRECIATION The Xinhua Chinese Association (XCA) sincerely thanks the following individuals for their generous contributions to the much-loved and highly popular UK Chinese Dragon Boat Festival (UCDBF). Your kind support helps promote a multicultural and inclusive British society. David Zhang 张伟 (英国凤凰融创车行) Jessie Dai 戴冬梅(CESS,加密云储系统) Changling Lin 林昌铃(英国一带一路协进会) Jiazi Zuo 左甲子(英国一带一路协进会) Sophia 娜仁花 (内蒙古舞者) Maria Liu 刘莹 ( Liu’s Chinese Medical Centre ) Yan Wang 王艳 Junshi Li 李君实(曼城学联) Yiming Yan 颜一鸣(曼城学联) Ping Hua 华萍 (英国南安普顿中华艺术团) Hai Li 李海 (英国北京联和会) Qian chen 陈谦 (国际战略顾问) Sunny Xu 徐记友 (英国西北华人协会) Zhengping Deng 邓正平 (中广核) Hanxin Yang 杨汉新 (英国新华联谊会) Ken Wang 王政(英国新华联谊会) Gu yang Wang 王古阳(曼城学联)
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