2024 Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Programme
Liangzhu Culture 5,000 Years Ago
Located in the Yangtze River Basin of East China’s Zhejiang province, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (circa 3,300-2,300 BCE) reveal IV MIZTa ZMOQWVIT [\I\M _Q\P I ]VQÅML JMTQMN [a[\MU JI[ML WV ZQKM cultivation in Late Neolithic China. 1\ PI[ JMMV TQ[\ML I[ WVM WN \PM =VQ\ML 6I\QWV[ -L]KI\QWVIT ;KQMV\QÅK IVL +]T\]ZIT 7ZOIVQbI\QWV [ =6-;+7 ?WZTL 0MZQ\IOM [Q\M[ [QVKM !
"It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization." ·· Liangzhu City, Dam and Agricultural Achievement More than 80 years of archaeological excavations of the Liangzhu Culture have LQ[KW^MZML W^MZ Z]QV[ KW^MZQVO IV IZMI WN [Y]IZM SQTWUM\MZ[ “These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban XTIVVQVO I _I\MZ KWV[MZ^I\QWV [a[\MU IVL I [WKQIT PQMZIZKPa M`XZM[[ML QV LQ ٺ MZMV\QI\ML J]ZQIT[ QV KMUM\MZQM[ within the property.” ·· =6-;+7
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