2024 Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Programme


Ambassador of China

值此第十届全英中华端午龙舟会举办之际,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向全英 广大侨胞和各界朋友们致以诚挚的节日问候。

百舸争流千帆竞,乘风破浪正远航。赛龙舟是中国端午节最为重要的民俗活动之 一,已流传两千多年,深受中国人民喜爱,积淀了深厚的中国传统文化内涵, 传承了丰富的中华民族精神特质。随着华侨华人的足迹遍布世界各地,中国的 赛龙舟与西方国家体育竞技文化不断交流融合,吸引世界各国健儿积极参与龙 舟竞渡、奋勇夺标,生动体现和诠释了人类命运共同体理念。 在英华侨华人积极举办龙舟赛,新华联谊会作为其中的佼佼者,牵头成功举办 了九届全英中华端午龙舟会,并以此为平台,与索尔福德市、英国龙舟竞赛协 会等多方强强联合,打造过硬品牌,丰富多元文化,反哺当地社会,带动当地 发展,走出共建共享共融共赢的新路子,树立中英民间交流的新标杆,很好促 进了中英民间友好、民心相通。 我相信,此次第十届龙舟会必将秉承继往开来的优良传统,更上一层楼。我希 望,以龙舟会为平台,汇聚八方友朋,扩大交流合作;以龙舟会为纽带,促进 民心相通,深化民间友好;以龙舟会为契机,乘风破浪,顺势而为,推动中英 关系行稳致远。 预祝第十届全英中华端午龙舟会圆满成功! 祝各位参赛选手赛出佳绩、赛出友谊! I’m really proud that the Dragon Boat Festival is returning to Salford Quays for another year. This event, which is the largest Dragon Boat Race in Europe, provides an exhilarating spectacle whilst celebrating Chinese culture, sport and tradition. As well as joining in with the ancient tradition of Dragon Boat Racing, the festival also provides a unique chance for our Chinese diaspora to share cultural displays, folk songs & dancing and of course delicious cuisine. My thanks to the Xinhua Chinese Association for once again bringing this great event to Salford, and best of luck to all the teams taking part! I’m really proud that the Dragon Boat Festival is returning to Salford Quays for another year. This event, which is the largest Dragon Boat Race in Europe, provides an exhilarating spectacle whilst celebrating Chinese culture, sport and tradition. As well as joining in with the ancient tradition of Dragon Boat Racing, the festival also provides a unique chance for our Chinese diaspora to share cultural displays, folk songs & dancing and of course delicious cuisine. My thanks to the Xinhua Chinese Association for once again bringing this great event to Salford, and best of luck to all the teams taking part! City Mayor of Salford 中华人民共和国驻英国特命全权大使 郑泽光 2024年6月

Paul Dennett City Mayor of Salford

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