CDBF_Brochure A4_Digital


Ambassador of China ꧊ྌᒫԜ੺ ق ᝕Ӿ܏ᒒ܌ὄᛪտԈ ې ԏᴬ҅ ౯ᨆդᤒӾࢵḦ᝕ࢵय़ֵ ḅ قݻ ᝕ଠय़ׇ ᙱ޾ ݱ ኴ๏݋ժᛘզᦻ೶ጱᜓ ෭ᳯ ̶ײ ᒒ܌ᜓ ฎӾ܏࿆ ෧ጱփᕹ֯ᜓ҅ᩦ ὄᛪฎᒒ܌ᜓ ጱ᨝஄҅ ኞ֛ۖ ሿԧ Ӿ܏࿆ ෧ࣙᶤӧ೑̵ ࢫᕮॳ෎̵ ᶵ୩೪ൟጱᔜᐟٖ ႗޾෈۸ᇙᨶ̶ Ԉ ې ὄᛪտଣᐞᒒ܌ᜓ҅ ෬֛ ሿԧ੒ᗦঅኞၚਆਆӧ׸ጱ ݻ ஃӨ᭄࿢҅ Ԟฎ ݻ Ӿ᝕݋অԪӱጱ୏೐ᘏժᛘස̶ ࣁෛ܏ᘶ᧩տ݊ ׇ֛ق ᙱ ێ ۘݶو ӥ҅ܲ ᕪ܈᫹҅ ق ᝕Ӿ܏ᒒ܌ὄᛪ տ૪ ݎ ઀౮ԅ ཾق ၖ๋ य़ጱὄᛪᩦ Ԫ҅ ฎ ق ᝕๋ ᯿ᥝጱ෈۸֛ ᙙၚۖ ԏӞ҅ ฎᔱਫ਼ᐰ஛૱ጱᎣ ݷ उ૱ ݷ ᇆ̶᩼ ๶᩼ ग़ጱ᝕ࢵ๏݋᭗ᬦὄᛪ տԧᥴ̵݇ Өଚ ࡅ ᆽὄᛪᬩ̶ۖ ὄᛪտԞԅӿ੄୮ࣈ෈֛ ኞၚ̵ വۖ ग़ ز ෈۸޾۱਻ᐒտ ݎ ઀̵ ׏ᬰӾ᝕࿆ ᳵԻၞ֢ ڊ ԧᑌຄᨯሠ̶ ๜੺ὄᛪտࣁԆ ̵֖ܔې ೮ᖅ෸ᳵ̵݇ᩦ ᥢཛྷොᶎ᮷ྲ ᬦ݄ํ ಅी ҅ے ၚۖ Ԟๅ ے ӿ੄ᔜ୸̶ ౯ፘ ҅מ ᬯਖ਼౮ԅ׏ᬰὄᛪտ ݎ ઀ጱෛ᩸ ᅩ҅ Ԟਖ਼౮ԅവۖ Ӿ᝕෈۸Իၞ ޾࿆ ᳵ݋অጱෛॶ๢̶ ૶๕ӷࢵ ݱ ኴํ ᦩԏॊ൭᩸ ಋ๶҅ ݶو ଡ଼ಛὄᛪ෈۸ᔜᐟ҅ ಑᭜ๅग़Իၞ ֢ݳ ෛՄ ᅩ҅ ीᬰ࿆ ஞፘ᭗޾࿆ ᳵ݋অ҅ വۖ Ӿ᝕ ى ᔮᤈᑞᛘᬱ̶ ᶼᐞᒫԜ੺ ق ᝕Ӿ܏ᒒ܌ὄᛪտࢺჿ౮ ۑ Ѻ


ᮧ၂ ط

Ӿ܏Ո࿆ و ޾ࢵḦ᝕ࢵᇙ޸ ق ๦य़ֵ

City Mayor of Salford

As we approach the 9th Annual Dragon Boat Festival at Salford Quays, I would like to say what a pleasure it is for the City of Salford to host this marvellous event each and every year. The ancient Chinese tradition of Dragon Boat racing is a fabulous occasion, creating a truly unique spectacle and a wonderful sense of community. It is just another example of the close work we do with the Chinese Community in Greater Manchester, particularly following recent news of a £5m investment in a new Streamside Garden at RHS Bridgewater Park in Salford. Salford is deeply honoured to host this international occasion. I would like to extend my thanks to the Xinhua Chinese Association for their efforts in bringing it together and wish the participants the best of luck on the day!

In partnership with Salford City Council (SCC) British Dragon Boat Racing Assocaition (BDA)

Endorsed and supported by Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Manchester

Faciliated by Suman Education International

With additional supports provided by Bolton Council Bury Council Manchester City Council Oldham Council Rochdale Council Stockport Council

Tamedale Council Trafford Council

Paul Dennett City Mayor of Salford

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