Tuesday, September 14, 2021 www.iomtoday.co.im
Communityservice for Co-op ‘fisticuffs’man
l JoannaDean, aged 57, ofThePromenade, Castletown, has appeared incourt chargedwithfour motoringoffences. She is accusedofdriving without insurance, failing toproduce insurance, havingno driving licence, and failing toproducea licence. Thecasewas adjourned until September30at the request of advocatePaul Rodgerswhoaskedfor time to take instructions fromhis client. l Paul StephenBannon, aged28, ofMount Morrison, Peel, has appeared incourt chargedwithsixdrug- relatedoffences. He is accusedof two countsof offering to supplydrugs, twoof possessionwith intent to supply, oneofproduction (importation) ofdrugs to the island, andoneof possessionofdrugs. Theoffences arealleged tohavebeencommitted betweenSeptember2020 andJanuary2021. Thecasewas adjourned until September30at the request of advocatePaul Rodgerswhosaidthat it was acomplicatedcase anddiscussionswiththe prosecutionwouldbe beneficial. l LewisShawTumelty, whoseagewasnot given incourt, ofBalladoyne Estate, St John’s, has appeared incourt chargedwithcausing seriousbodilyharmby dangerousdriving. He is alsoaccusedof possessionofdrugs. Thecasewas adjourned until September23at the request of advocateJane Graywhosaidthat she hadonlyrecentlybeen instructedandtimewas requiredtogo through thecasepapers. l A22-year-oldOnchan manhasbeenfined £500forpossessing £128-worthof cannabis. LeroyStephenMcHarrie, ofFirstAvenue, admitted theoffenceandwas also orderedbymagistrates topay£125costs. Thecourtheardhow6.44 gramsof thedrugwere foundduringa searchat anaddress inPeelRoad, Douglas, onJuly26, 2020. McHarriehad leftthe islandafter the incident, buthadsincereturned, which iswhy ithadtaken so long tocome tocourt. Hewasorderedtopay the fineandcosts at arateof £100permonth.
but hewas not drunk. ‘He had been checking his phone and was accosted by the other party aboutwhyhewas takingupspaceand not getting onwith things. ‘Upon reflection he should have just ignored themale’s enquiries and walkedawaygettingonwithhisshop- ping. It wasn’t a pre-meditated inci- dent. He hadn’t sought the male out, he engagedwithhimfirst.’ Mr Travers went on to say that therewere personal issues which his client was dealing with at the time of the incident which were mentioned in the probation report but which he didnotwish to go into inopen court. Magistrates also ordered Seed to pay £50 prosecution costs by Octo- ber 9.
ent’s guiltyplea andhanded in letters of reference. ‘Mr Seed had left the Co-op after the altercation, through a combina- tionof embarrassment andremorse,’ said the advocate. ‘However, verysoonafterwardshe returned and approached police off his ownbat.’ MrTraverssaidthatthestaffmem- berwhoreportedthe incidenthadal- so said that Seed came into the shop mostdaysandwasnotrouble,andhad describedhimas ‘a nice person’. Theadvocatecontinued: ‘Theoth- erpartydidnotwishtopresscharges. Itwasaratheroddincidentwhichap- peared to flare up out of something trivial. ‘He accepts he had been drinking
Acaseofshoppingrageat theCo-opin Onchan has resulted in a man doing community service. RyanJohnSeedgot intoarowwith another customer and thenpunched him multiple times before pushing himinto shopfittings. The39-year-oldadmitteddisorder- lybehaviouronlicensedpremisesand was ordered by magistrates to do 60 hours unpaidwork. We previously reported that po- lice were called to the Onchan store onFebruary 1at8.37pmafterareport of twomenfighting inside. Thevictimwasstill inthestoreand was suffering fromfacial injuries but Seed, who lives at Barrule Drive, On- chan, had left. PoliceviewedCCTVfootagewhich
by court reporter
showedhimatfirst inaverbalalterca- tionwith theman. Seed was then seen launching a physical attack, throwing multiple blows with his fists and pushing the man into the shopfittings. Whilepolicewerestill intheshop, Seedreturnedandtoldofficers: ‘Itwas mewhodidthefisticuffs. Idon’twant you going tomy address.’ After being taken to police head- quarters, during an interview Seed made ‘no comment’ responses to questions. The court heard that his last convictionwas in2007. Defence advocate Jim Travers asked for credit tobe given for his cli-
ChiefMinister opens the people’s wood atMearyVeg inSanton
by Paul Hardman
A woodland planted to help the island meet its climate change commitments has been officially opened by ChiefMinisterHowardQuay- le inSanton. Mr Quayle announced the Government’splantodevelop the45hectare(111acre)wood- land in June 2019, a month after it pledged to reach net- zero carbon emissions by 2050. The People’s Wood (Keyll ynPhobble inManx) atMeary Veg can be accessed on foot from the Raad ny Foillan coastal path, and plans are in place for a car park. A series of paths and seat- ingwhichwillenjoypanoram- ic views towards Castletown, the Langness Peninsula and SouthBarrulewillbeinstalled indue course. So far more than 70,000 broadleaf trees have been plantedincludingAspen,Wil- low, SycamoreandOak, since Mr Quayle planted one of the first inFebruary 2021. TheChiefMinister, said: ‘I amdelightedtoofficiallyopen the People’sWood. ‘In years to come, as it de- velops andmatures, the area will boost carbon capture, create habitat and boost bio- diversity. ‘It is also a great place for people to connect with na-
ChiefMinisterHowardQuayle standingby thededicationstoneat thenewly-openedPeople’sWoodatMearyVeg inSanton
ture and our Biosphere for thebenefitof theirwellbeing.’ The project is being or- ganisedbytheDepartmentof Environment, FoodandAgri- culture in partnership with,
andfundedby, theCabinetOf- ficeClimateChangeTransfor- mationTeam. The government also re- cently offered landowners grants to plant trees in an-
other scheme aimed at help- ingtheislandbecomenetzero by 2050. Those deemed eligible under the Woodlands Grant Scheme (WGS) canbepaidup
to£4,880perhectaretocreate andmaintainwoodland. Planning approval will be required and each woodland must remain in place for at least 30 years.
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