www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021 newsdesk@iomtoday.co.im
Teenagerwho kickedapolice officer sentenced
l CallumRyan Ivan Bratty, aged20, of DerbyRoad,Douglas, has appeared incourt chargedwithassault causingactual bodily harm. Thecasewas adjourned until September23at therequest of advocate PaulGloverwhosaid that therewerea large amount of casepapers andCCTVfootage to review. Bailwas granted. l A15-year-oldboy from Douglashas appeared incourt viavideo link chargedwithwounding with intent tocause grievousbodilyharm. He is alsocharged withthreecountsof possessionofdrugswith intent tosupply, two countsofpossessionof drugs, andonecount of money laundering. Hecannotbenameddue tohis age. Theoffences arealleged tohavebeencommitted onMay 1. Thecasewas adjourned until September 15when he isdue toappear in juvenilecourt. He is remanded insecure accommodation. l JasonCraigQuayle, aged23, ofReayrtny Chrink, Crosby, has appeared incourt chargedwithprovoking behaviour. Theoffence is allegedto havebeencommittedon June4. Thecasewas adjourned until September23at the request of advocate Ian Kermode. Bailwas granted in the sumof £500with conditions to liveathis homeaddress andnot contactwitnesses. l Achargeof common assault ona female, againstAaronPaul Field, aged22, ofDerbyView, Castletown, hasbeen withdrawn. Thecourtheardthat thecomplainant inthe caseno longerwishedto proceed. l PaulAnthonyKnighton, aged23, of StationPark, Colby, has appeared in court chargedwithbeing drunkanddisorderly andassaultingapolice officer. Thecasewas adjourned until September21 at therequest of advocate PaulRodgerswhoasked for time toconsider thecasepapers andfor policebodyworncamera footage tobeviewed. Bailwas granted.
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Defence advocate Paul Rodgers said that his client had previously been given a probationorderwhichended inDecember 2020but, due to thepandemic, themajorityof the work had been done over thephoneandtherehadbeen fewermeetings. ‘Itismysubmissionshehas nothadthebenefitofafull or- der,’ said the advocate. ‘She would send a letter of apology if given the chance to do so.’ MrRodgerssaidthatMack- ie worked on licensed prem- ises and asked for any ban to stillpermithertoattendwork. Magistratesagreedtoallow the licensing ban to not apply toher attendingwork. Magistrates’ chair Julian Ashcroft told Mackie: ‘It’s a shameyoudidn’tlistentoyour friendandwalkawayfromthe situation.’ She must also pay £125 prosecution costs, which she willpay, alongwiththefine, at a rate of £100permonth.
Ateenagerwhokickedapolice officer and shouted ‘get back toyourowncountry’hasbeen handedasuspendedsentence. AmyMackiewas put in leg restraintsafterbeingarrested when she got into a rowat the PalaceHotel. After pleading guilty to as- saulting a police officer and being drunk and disorderly, the19-year-oldwassentenced 60days incustody, suspended for two years, andfined£200. Shewasalsomadethesub- ject of a two-year suspended sentence supervision order and banned from entering licensed premises, and pur- chasing or being sold alcohol for sixmonths. We previously reported that police were called to the Palace Hotel on July 18 at 3.35amafter a report of a dis- turbance there. WhentheyarrivedMackie and her male friend were be- ingejectedbystaffandshewas saidtobeunsteadyonherfeet, slurring her words, and had
by court reporter
glazed eyes.
Palace staff said they were happy for thematter tonot be taken further if Mackie, who lives at Quayside Lane, Ram- sey, left but she refused and started swearing. Her friend tried to usher her away but after she was warned about her behaviour she swore at police and told one officer: ‘Get back to your own ******* country. Get off me you ******* slag.’ LEG RESTRAINTS She was subsequently ar- rested and as she was be- ing taken to a police van she kicked one of the officers on the legtwiceandendedupbe- ingputonthegroundinlegre- straints. The court heard that the teenager has previous con- victions for assaulting police, resisting arrest, and being drunk anddisorderly.
W ednesday Dryandbright.
T oday Cloudywithpatchy rainat first, becoming brighter.
Recorded forecast updatedsix timesdaily: 0900624 3300 Shipping forecast
updatedfive timesdaily: 0900624 3322 Weathermann, directtothe forecaster(24 hours):0900 6243200 Service providedby Ronaldsway Meteorological office
T hursday Dryandbright.
F riday Rainclearing later.
Sunrise 6.50am
Sunset 7.36pm High tide 5.25amand5.50pm
S aturday Bright or sunny spells.
Lowtide 11.55am
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Remembering our debt Thewreath-layinggroup (Left toright): RonSargent, CaptainNigelMalpass, LesClarke, CaptainMikeBrew, Alan PrestonandGlynnNoon
Merchant Navy Day has been marked with a ceremony at theWarMemorial inRamsey. TheMerchantNavyensignwasraisedat the Courthouseandalsoflownatthetownhall.Les Clarke read messages sent by the Queen and
PrimeMinister Boris Johnson. These acknowledged the country’s debt to themerchantmarine during bothworldwars and in the time since. The wreath of remem- brancewas laidby captainMike Brew.
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