


www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021

GENERAL ELECTION resented the Isle of Man in sport, I have not. The civilisa- tion of these Isles have been a wonderful force for human liberation and freedom – in- cluding freeing my own fam- ily fromenslavement - andwe shouldbeproudof theseIsles’ achievements in this area. I standwhen theManx nation- al anthemis played. WRITER:NassimNicholas Taleb. HERO:FrederickDouglass (past) andAustralianMPTim Wilson (current). JONATHANJOUGHIN Occupation: Postal work- er/ business owner CARBON: Urgently-Invest in renewable energy SOCIAL CARE: Yes, if no other alternative could be foundand itwasdeemednec- essary COVID: Continued updat- ed information via all media channels-community hubs ONE GOVT CUT: Man- agement structure should be looked at first - not their workforce CANNABIS: If medically supported then I would sup- port the decriminalisation of cannabis LOCAL GOVT: There should be FIVE local author- ities including Douglas Bor- oughCouncil LEGCO: Yesdefinitely- the people shouldhave the vote

et airlines to our shores. This willbeatnocost tothetaxpay- ers. CHIEF MINISTER: would try to persuade Minister Da- vidAshford. AFGHANS: I don’t believe we can state figures at this stage. Firstlywe need to have adebateaboutacceptingrefu- geesnotjustfromAfghanistan but fromall conflictsandthen discusshowmany. Weshould not show favouritism to one nation. LEGISLATION: A demo- craticallyelecteduppercham- ber ofMLCs GBPARTY: NewLabour BREXIT:No.Wearealready experiencing the damage it has created. KNEE: No. Because I be- lieve now it is being done for all the wrong reasons. Equal- ity is inclusionandnot theex- clusionofminorities. WRITER: J RRTolkien HERO: Alan Johnson CHRISTINEURQUART OCCUPATION(beforepoli- tics): Founder andadvisor for EllanVanninVictimsService: Administration in varying departments within govern- ment. CARBON: To be honest, I have been so busy dealing with people over the past five years that climate change and the details of such have passed me by a little. Howev- er, I amnot sure there is only one thing that could cut the Island’s carbon footprint..... a culmination of things would be required to happen simul- taneously. Such as the plant- ingof trees, regularly,growing the People’s Forest over time, and creating new forests. It isgoodtosee thegovern- menthave launchedascheme in which householders and tenants (with landlords per- mission) can apply for a grant toupdatetheirhomestomake themenergy efficient. This is a step in the right direction to encourage people to live cleaner, leaner,healthier lives whilst contributing to lessen- ing our carbon footprint. SOCIALCARE:No!Whyin- crease taxes when there is so much financial waste within government presently. Let’s plug the leak. Increasing tax- es would persecute thework- ing class further, something I reallywouldnotencourageor advocatefor.Weneedtobeau- diting government spending; staffing; budgets; assets; van- ity projectsmust be stopped. COVID-19: I do believe by taking away people’s freedom of choice you encourage re- bellion. People have a right to choose whether they wish to be vaccinated or not, for any vaccination. As agovernment the best we can do is provide all the information for the publicandallowthemtomake the decision for themselves. Prov i de peop l e wi th FACTS, not opinions. If some- one asks a direct question regarding a concern, be re- spectful by providing them with a direct answer..... even

BISHOP: I wouldwelcome the Bishop’s input in a debate but he shouldnot have a vote. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. The old law discriminated against women on the Isle of EQUAL MARRIAGE: Yes. I support equality in all things. ASSISTED DYING: Yes, with full medical support andcounsellingpeopleshould have a choice. YOUNGPEOPLE:We need todevelopamore interesting, cosmopolitanlifestyleforour young people. Interesting, well paid jobs and affordable housing. FIRST-TIME BUYERS: I would particularly back more generous government schemes. I would like to see our government and the banks working together to achieve this. Either by the banksmakingdepositssmall- erorgovernment interest free deposits. Also I would like to en- courage government and de- velopers on greenfield sites to provide service plots to en- ablepeople tobuildtheirown houses. And when granting builders land for develop- ment we need to insist that a minimumpercentage is built for first time buyers. SPEED LIMIT: No. Driv- ers can still be prosecuted for dangerous/reckless driving. AIRLINE:No.Government needtoencouragemorebudg-

higherrate,albeitmaybemore than two properties. People can buy a second property as a business ven- ture that pays for their first. ThisIseenothingwrongwith. However, anythingabovethat shouldbetaxedappropriately. The government scheme that assists first-time buyers must be reviewed and updat- ed. The island’s house prices seemtohaverisenimmensely pricingouryoungpersonsout of themarket. They are left in high rent- al purgatory, as they earn too much to be able to apply for social housing, but don’t earn enough to gain entry onto the property ladder. The system we have presently seems to be working against them not for them, andmust be looked into and updated as soon as possible. SPEED LIMIT: No! We should educate our drivers. There are some beautiful roadsonthe island, andwhen used appropriately, are com- pletely safe. Education and awareness are the key here, not an all-island speed limit on the Road Racing Capital of theWorld. AIRLINE: We have a na- tionalised sea service, have you noted howwell that is go- ing, and how expensive it is to travel now? I agree in prin- ciple that a nationalised air

Every Keys candidate was invited to take part in this survey, whether they paid for an advert or not

if it istosaythatyoudon’thave ananswertothatspecificque- ry. Be transparent! ONE GOVT CUT: A full government staff audit is re- quired immediately, some- thing of which I have stated previously.Thiswillshowhow manystaffweactuallyrequire, more specifically, howmany managers and tiers of man- agementdowereallyrequire? CANNABIS: This requires furtherdiscussionwiththose who aremore knowledgeable about it than I. However, I do believe there is a good argu- ment for this to be the case. Cannabis has been shown to helpthosewhosufferwithde- pression, insomnia, epilepsy, and many other medical ail- ments. Ithasalsobeenproved that itdoesnot causeasmuch harmto a community as alco- hol can. Bydecriminalising canna- bis (forsmallamountsforper- sonal use), money, resources andmanpowerwithinthepo- licecouldbeput tobetteruse, aswellasfreeingupthecourts and the jail. Now that the island is free tobuylicencestoproduceand sell cannabis (for medicinal purposes) our wealthiest on the island are now becoming drug barons. It smacks of hy- pocrisy. One law to fit them, anothertofit therest..... there needstobealevelplayingfield toclosethisdivideandensure thatthelawisapplicabletoall. LOCAL GOVT: There should be four local authori- ties, North, South, East & West. Each with their own budgets to oversee these ar- eas, andgivenmore responsi- bilities to do so. LEGCO:TheroleofanMLC isabespokerolethat requires specific skills to oversee and implementnewlegislationon the island. BISHOP: No! The Bishop was there to represent the so- cial and religious conscious- nessofthecommonpersonon the island. ABORTION REFORM: It is down to the woman to de- cideifshewantstohaveababy or not, whatever her reason- ing may be. No one should be forced intomaking decisions handeddownfromthosewho have no idea of a that person’s personal circumstances. EQUAL MARRIAGE Yes. Love is Love. ASSISTED DYING: I do agree with assisted dying in

principle, however I strongly believe this an area that re- quires further consultation and stringent regulation ap- pliedtoensure it canneverbe abused. YOUNG PEOPLE: Provide themwithsomethingtocome back for! Employment diver- sity thatmoveswith themod- ern agewe live in. A more balanced and equal work life balance. An infrastructure that can sup- port them ie. healthcare, so- cial care, education, housing, nightlife, entertainment. FIRSTTIMEBUYERS: PLANNING: Brownfield sites must be used as a first option for property develop- ment on the island. Thosewho‘bulkbuy’prop- erties should be taxed at a

Thursday 23rd September 2021 House of Keys General Election


Manifesto I know that most manifestos quickly end up in the bin, which is why I am only publishing mine here and online. I’m looking forward to chatting with you in person about the problems that you think need sorting. Before then though, I wanted to introduce myself and the issues I care about in case you wanted to get in touch sooner, and so you know a bit about me as I am canvassing. About me: I was born and raised in Kirk Michael. I worked as a Police officer including 6 years as a Neighbourhood Officer based in Ramsey and covering all of the North, and for almost 20 years as a Roads Policing Officer. I have then spent the last ten years as a self-employed driving instructor, working with young people from across the Island. I first became politically involved when the DOI were proposing extensive road alterations in Kirk Michael which did not properly address the concerns of the village. I canvassed opinion and developed alterna- tive, more modest proposals which improved safety for pedestrians without adversely affecting traders or the TT, whilst also offering re- duced costs. Since then, I have served for the last year as a Com- missioner in Michael. As my expertise lies in the field of roads and traffic policing and driver training, if fortunate enough to be elected my personal focus would be on improving our travel infrastructure and related policies. On other issues, I would look to be guided by my constituents to do what is best for Ayre and Michael, and for our Island as a whole. The easiest ways of getting in touch with me are: Mobile: 336842 (Calls will often go to voicemail as I am still working so if you leave a message or text, I will get back to you as soon as possible). Email: duncan-livingstone@outlook.com Facebook: Duncan.livingstone.10 Unfortunately with work commitments I will be unable to visit and meet all of you. If you have any questions please email or message and I will get back to you as soon as I can I hope to be able to speak to you on the doorstep very soon! (Or feel free to stop and chat if you see me out and about). THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND TAKING THE TIME TO READ. NO MATTER WHO YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR, DON’T FORGET TO SAVE ELECTION DAY (23RD SEPTEMBER) IN YOUR DIARY TO MAKE SURE YOUR VOICE IS HEARD. Printed and published on behalf of Duncan Livingstone, Geay Varrey, Beachfield Farm Lane, Kirk Michael, IM6 1HB

• Breaking ground on Peel’s new sewage plant. • Advocating Government-backed deposits for the next generation of Manx homebuyers. • Expanding creative and digital industries, and exploiting the benefits of virtual working. • Developing our new Western Wellbeing Centre to integrate mental health, residential and respite care and reduce overall waiting times without compromising quality. • Honouring our Biosphere status, ensuring future carbon-neutral development. Your candidate for Glenfaba & Peel Voting for me means:

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