www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Podcast bewitches festival
Manxculturewasrepresentedatthe weekend’s London Podcast Festi- val,whichcelebratespodcasts from around theworld. The festivals gave creators a chance to perform – and record – episodes of their shows live in front of an audience. Michael Moorcroft attended the festivalwithhispodcast ‘TheMage’s Well’ which focuses on ‘all things witchcraftand spirituality.’ Mr Moorcroft, aged 28, is origi- nally fromRamsey, but now lives in London. He launched the podcast early last year, after he took up an inter- est in witchcraft, to provide ‘guid- ancetothoseontheirjourneywithin witchcraftand spirituality.’ He said: ‘I saw a huge gap in the market andwanted tofill that.
by Siobhán Fletcher
At the festival,MrMoorcroftcol- laboratedwith ‘Honey and the Hex’ – also known as sisters Tansie and TatumSwithenbank – who explore the origins of English and Scot- tish folklore through a progressive lens. Hewas invited to talkabout clas- sic fairy tales from the Isle of Man, such as the myths of the Buggane, the Moddey Dhoo and Manannan, as well as some lesser known ones - withsome soundand lighting trick- erytopunctuatetheBugganetalefor goodmeasure. He said: ‘That went down really well with the audience, they were scared and then they started laugh- ing.
MichaelMoorcroft, of TheMage’sWell podcast,withTansieandTatumSwithenbankof theHoneyand theHex
ofmymindwhen I’mproducingmy shows,whenI’mdoingtheresearch, when I’m picking the topics I want to cover. ‘I’mon a little bit of a conversion mission you could say.’ The audio from the showwill be availableonallmajorstreamingplat- formssoon, asseparateepisodes for eachpodcast.
He said: ‘If I can have a person listen to this who doesn’t believe in spirituality, who doesn’t have a spiritual bone in their body –which I don’t necessarily believe, I think everyone is spiritual to some extent –[IhopeIcanmakethemthink] “you know what, there could be some- thing to this”. ‘I’ve always got that in the back
‘It was quite sudden, I wanted themto jump out of their seats a lit- tlebit. Itriedtomakeitasimmersive as possible.’ The show received rave reviews fromthosewhowatched it live. Inresponsetonon-believerswho would approach his subject mat- ter with mirth, he had a simple re- sponse.
Drink-driver hit parked car
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wasdescribedas slurringher words,havingglazedeyes,and unsteady onher feet. The court heard that she has no previous convictions. Defence advocate Richard Halsall said that the couple had been collected by a rela- tiveandweredrivenhomeaf- ter the meal but once home, Neale had got upset and had taken the car. He continued: ‘She drove around the corner, about a third of a mile. She is ex- tremely unlikely to be before the court again.’ Mr Halsall said that Neale was arranging to pay for the damage to the parked car. MrsHughesgaveNealeun- tilNovember12topaythefine.
A drink-driver who crashed into a parked car has been fined £800 and banned for two years. Susan Christine Neale, of Croit ny Glionney, Colby, ad- mittedtheoffenceafterfailing abreathalysertestwitharead- ing of 66. The legal limit is 35. High Bailiff Jayne Hughes also ordered the 33-year-old to retakeher test at the endof her ban. Police were called to Glen Road inColby onAugust 22 at 1am after a report of a traffic accident. When police arrived they found that Neale had crashed her Nissan Qashqai into a parked car. She was uninjured but
NSCpool is shut
The National Sports Centre’s swimming pool will be closed until Saturday as work is car- ried out on the adjacent lei- sure pool andflumes. A statement from the NSC on the closure said: ‘Sincere apologies for the short notice andtheinconveniencetoallof our customers. ‘ The d i s rupt i on and
fumes from the leisure pool works has deemed it unsafe for this side of the building to be opened for the rest of this week.’ ‘We will provide further details to those on a swim membership via email and customers booked into aqua classes will be called to ar- range a transfer or a refund.’
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