


Tuesday, September 14, 2021 www.iomtoday.co.im



HeritageOpen Days return tothe island

funded and co-ordinated by MNH and delivered by a host of individuals and volunteers from across the heritage sec- tor. MNHdescribetheeventas ‘your opportunity to discover hidden spots, try out new ex- periences and celebrate the island’soutstandingheritage.’ Other events being hosted this year include abehind the scenes look at library and ar- chivesconservation, anatural historycollectionguidedtour at the Manx Museum, a look atMaughold’s early Christian monastery with Blue Badge guideMarinda Faragher, vin- tagevehiclerunningdayswith Jurby Transport Museum, a Niarbyl Folklore Tour with CultureVannin, aguidedtour of KingWilliam’s College and tour of BraddanCemetery.

Manx National Heritage’s Heritage Open Days event is returning for its 12th year, promising to be a celebration of the abundant heritage and culture in the island. It’s all free to enjoy and open to all the family, with a mix of new places and spac- es opening their doors along withthereturnoffirmfavour- ites fromprevious years. All events this year can be bookedontoaheadof timeun- less otherwise stated, and as the guided tours have limited places, Manx National Herit- age(MNH)arerecommending those interestedmake sure to bookearlytoavoiddisappoint- ment. Bookings open tomorrow, Wednesday, atmidday. This year’s highlights in- clude a rare glimpse inside

by Siobhán Fletcher

the former Castletown resi- dence of Captain Quilliam, a guidedstroll around thepubs onDouglasQuayandaguided tour of Peel Castle with a dif- ference - hearing about the people who lived their lives within its ancientwalls. The tour of Captain Quil- liam’s property is described as: ‘Arare opportunity to take a tour around this significant Castletownproperty,onceoc- cupied by Captain Quilliam who served at the Battle of Trafalgar.Eachtourwillbein- troducedbrieflybyBlueBadge Guide Helen Leigh, followed by free time to look around.’ This tourwill last approxi- mately one hour. Heritage Open Days are

Included this year is a rareglimpse inside the formerCastletownresidenceof CaptainQuilliam

line up has been designed to keep participants and organ- isers safe in the ongoing Cov- id-19 pandemic. Measures inplace include: l Smaller tour sizes so they canfacilitatesocialdistancing l Handwashing and/or hand gel stations available l Face masks are being wel- comed l There are more outdoor

MNH said: ‘The knowl- edge and enthusiasm of the remarkable hosts and guides whogiveuptheir time for free to inspire, educate and high- light the diverse history, cul- ture and architecture of the Isle of Man is tremendous and we thank them and you for your support and involve- ment.’ Understandablythisyear’s


Thosewishing to takepart in this year’s events are being asked to help MNH to keep everyonesafebynotattending anyHeritageOpenDayevents if they feel unwell with Covid related symptoms. All the open day offerings are listed, and tickets can be booked at manxnationalher- itage.im/whats-on


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