


www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021 newsdesk@iomtoday.co.im


Garffcandidates unitedonsewage

that we are struggling on a daily basis to find enough bed nights for our own people, we should look after our own first’. However Gareth Young said that the ‘shameful’ fact we have homeless- nesshere shouldnot dictatewhether or notwe take in refugees. JamieSmithsaidthat ‘weneedtolook after everyone and we need to accept a fewrefugees’. AndMartynPerkinsbelieves that in- ternational aidshouldbemaintainedas this helps more people than accepting refugees. ‘There’shydrogenandvarious things thatarecomingonline,sohavetobecare- ful wherewe’re investing ourmoney’. John Wannenburgh says the issue if we all had electric cars would be of ‘where are we going to charge them all, andwho’s going power it’. HoweverRalphPeake,whoisalsode- fendinghis seat, describedelectric cars as being ‘perfect for the Isle ofMan’. He said this is because ‘you canhave arangeof 100miles, andthat’s foranold- er car – new cars have now got 200-300 miles of range’.

All fiveHouse of Keys candidates stand- ing in Garff are united against sewage being pumped into Laxey Bay. Other issuesraisedat themeetingat the Shore Hotel in Laxey included climate change, GDP, education, and the legal status of cannabis. One topic that did split opinion was thequestionofwhetherornot theisland should take inAfghan refugees. Daphne Caine thinks so, saying that if it is ‘a feasible prospect’ for the island to do so then shewouldwelcome them. Andrew Smith said: ‘The reality is Candidates standing in Douglas North discussedmentalhealth, thepromenade regeneration scheme, affordable hous- ing and reform of the planning system in a radio debate. Fourarebattlingitoutfortwoseatswhen votersheadtothepollsonSeptember23. Thethreecandidates (withcandidate Kevin Oliphant-Smith being unable to attend after testing positive for covid) clashed over electric vehicles. David Ashford, defending his seat, said: ‘I’m not sure electric cars neces- sarily are the future.

Theapplicantwants torent thisofficeonFinchRoadand turn it intoabeauty salon In addition to the business operations, up to eight student beauticians could be taught by four teachers. Beauty salon salonplan for office PHOTO: BLACKGRACECOWLEY Life inturmoil ledtoalcohol relatedcrimes Planning permission has been applied for (21/01047/C) to turn a former office at Mount Have- lock/FinchRoad inDouglas into a beauty salon and beautician training facility. The potential tenant of the site wants to convert the office space intofour treatment rooms with an associated staff room and reception.




Adrink-driverwhocrashedhead on into another drink-driver on NewYear’sDayhasbeenhanded asuspendedsentenceandafive- year driving ban. PlastererKevinPaulMurphy failed a breathalyser test, with a reading of 112. Murphy, aged 40, pleaded guilty to the offence as well as other offences of disorderly be- haviouronlicensedpremises,re- sisting arrest and being drunk anddisorderly. Magistratessentencedhimto a total of sixmonths in custody, suspended for twoyears, andal- soorderedhimto retakehis test at the end of the ban, and com- plete a drink-driving rehabilita- tion course. Hewas alsomade the subject of a two-year suspended sen- tence supervision order and or- dered topay£1,000prosecution costs due to a Newton Hearing beingheldafterMurphydisput- ed the prosecution facts. We previously reported that the drink-driving offence was committed at BillownDipwhen Murphy, who lives at Hillside Terrace, Dougas, crashed the Nissan Primastar van he was driving into a Nissan Navara at 3.15pm. After being discharged from hospital he was taken to police headquarters where, at 6.31pm, he blew a reading of 86 during a breathalyser test.The legal limit is 35. However, a back-calculation

tlingwithamale friendwhohad tried tomove himaway andwas subsequently arrested again. Defence advocate Paul Glov- er said: ‘It’s safe to say there is a clear link of alcohol through his recent spate of offending. ‘ShortlybeforetheDecember offence he separated from his partner after 10 years together. ‘The breakdown of the rela- tionship hit himhard and obvi- ously unsettledhis life. ‘His life was in turmoil. He had more time on his hands and unfortunately he turned to drink. ‘Themessagehasgot through about drinking in moderation. There have been no further of- fences insixmonthsnow,which is a good start.’ The advocate went on to say that his client worked six days a week as a plasterer and could losehisaccommodationifhewas sent to custody. MagistrateschairJulianAsh- crofttoldMurphy: ‘These are all very serious offences and they all have one thing in common, alcohol.’ MagistratesorderedMurphy to pay the prosecution costs at a rate of £30perweek. InMay, we reported that the other drink-driver involved, Si- mon John Morris, aged 54, of Kerrowmoar,Sulby,wasbanned from driving for four years and sentenced to 12 months proba- tion and 100 hours community service.

by court reporter

by an expert reported that the reading at the time of driving would have been 112 at the low- est. Murphy disputed that the accident was his fault, caused by him crossing the centre line in the road, but hewas found re- sponsible after a Newton Hear- ing, which determines the facts of a court case. Murphywas also arrestedon December 19 last year after he refused to leave theSwanpub in Ramsey. Policewere calledbut hewas said to have continued to argue and refuse to leave the pub. BEER GARDEN Murphy eventuallymoved to the beer garden but then would not leave that area despite offic- ers pointing out he was still on the premises. He then swore at police and became involved in a struggle with them, which resulted in him being put on the ground and Pava spray being used to re- strainhim. On April 19 Murphy was ar- rested again after police spoke to him twice on North Quay in Douglas. He was said to be aggressive and drunk and stayed despite warnings refused to leave the area. Murphy then started wres-

CHARITY GOLF CHALLENGE 2021 ISLE OF MAN NEWSPAPERS FRIDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER JOIN US FOR A DAY AT RAMSEY GOLF CLUB £250 entry per team of 4 mens, ladies or mixed teams. All funds will be donated to the charity Isle Listen. Breakfast from 8:15am in the clubhouse with a shotgun starts from 9:30am. Lunch available for all participants in the clubhouse followed by a trophy and prize presentation. Prizes will be awarded for: Best individual stableford score plus 2nd, 3rd and 4th place and team prizes for best 4 ball stableford score 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Dan Williams 366464 dan.williams@iomtoday.co.im

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