www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
GENERAL ELECTION discussed to avoidmass sales and the extent of buy to let. GB PARTY: None. The eco- house wouldmake me green, the climate change private investment would make me blue, the first-time buyers’ home option for social hous- ingwouldmakeme red. BREXIT: No I wouldn’t, as I believe without Britain, Eu- rope will lose its way further and we will be part of the fi- nancial consequences. I noted at the time Britain woulddofineon its owncom- mercially. KNEE: I would have origi- nally, however during the World Cup wouldn’t it have been far better to do some- thing more inventive such as putting one black lion in the three blues, taking away the confrontationandbeingmore imaginative. Wemustputothercultures inamorepositivecontexthis- torically. WRITER: As an architect I prefer designers. Alvar Aal- to, Finnish architect, who be- lievedinnatural integrationof buildings and landscape. HERO:Mypolitical heroes are those on the real battle- field, the Yazzidi andKurdish women who fought coura- geously to push back the ISIS caliphate. Theydeserveamonument.
JASONMOORHOUSE Occupation (before poli- tics): Teacher of economics andbusiness. CARBONFOOTPRINT: Im- prove home insulation. SOCIAL CARE: Not at the moment, we need to make more of the resources thatwe have. COVID-19: Some people cannotbevaccinatedformed- ical reasons, so this must be done with care. Highlight the possible impactswhichthose peoplewho arenot being vac- cinateddo face. ONEGOVTCUT:Anassess- mentneedstobemadeineach government department into theminimumnumberof core workers required tocarryout thecurrent serviceprovision. InJune, Isuccessfullybrought aTynwaldMotiononTheSize, StructureandCostofGovern- ment, this will enable new members todebatethis topic. CANNABIS:Anassessment ofmedicalcannabisshouldbe debated inTynwaldandaway forward identified. Decrimi- nalisation is some way off partly because of our ease of movementwithneighbouring jurisdictions,whichwouldin- evitably have to change. Imet with the Chief Constable im- mediately after being elected toraiseconcernsaboutcrimi- nalitybeing causedby amini- mal initial find and I was told that isNOTactually the case. LOCAL GOVT: Local au- thority reform is required, but this is not the key ques- tion. History and current practice canmean that some small authorities are incredi- blyefficient.Localauthorities are potentially the ‘sleeping giants’ of Manx politics and couldbe farmoreactive inde- cidingonsmall localplanning issues and larger issues such as maintenance. This would have an impact on central government head count. The ‘overstressed’ Department of Infrastructure should be handing over more responsi- bility and I specifically asked Beamanstocontact theclerks of Castletown and Arbory to discuss these possibilities. Unfortunately they didn’t! In an ideal world they would parallel the Keys Con- stituencies. LEGCO: Yes – I have changedmy thoughts on Leg- islative Council since 2016 as a consequenceofmany refus- ingtoacceptdepartmental re- sponsibility. BISHOP: The ‘moral com- pass’ does provide an incred- ibly valuable contribution to debates such as the Motion I brought on Youth Develop- ment, for this reason a vote is appropriate. Critics should certainly look at the contri- butions made by the bishops during the last Parliament. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes, but itwasachallengeonmoral grounds. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: I will need to fully satisfied about the specific cases where this
nearly doubled. An example ofgovernmentgrowingrather than becoming slimmer and smarter. CANNABIS: Yet to be won overonthisbutverywillingto listen to both sides of the de- bate. I do support the use of medicinal cannabis. LOCAL GOVT: Ultimately should be a maximum of five – east, north, south and west plus Douglas. Government shouldplay amore active role in supporting authorities to share resources andconsider mergers as a result. There are green-shootsofthisbeginning to happen in the south of the island. LEGCO: In an ideal world yes – but this will not be high up the priority list in the next five years. BISHOP:No, butheshould be there to make comment and contribute to debates. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes ASSISTED DYING: There needstobeawiderpubliccon- sultation on this and if it then becomes before Tynwald, there will need to be water- tight legislation tomake sure the framework is never open toabuse. I feel individual con- sent is vital. YOUNG PEOPLE: Govern- ment needs to demonstrate it is serious about climate changeandbringinmeasures to make housing affordable. We should also look at a uni- versity fee rebate scheme for Manx students who return to workontheislandwithinfour years of graduating. FIRST-TIME BUYERS: All theseneedtobeconsideredas apriorityveryearlyinthenext administration – developers ideas of affordable housing and the reality don’t match. Houses in the first-time buy- er bracket need to be lived in and not rented out. Also look at a scheme where govern- ment sellsoffland inplotsat a discounted rate for people to thenbuild their ownhomes. SPEEDLIMIT: Yes –but al-
can be applied and about the checks which are in place to prevent abuse of such a change. YOUNG PEOPLE: In June I brought a Tynwald Motion which focused on ensuring the personal development opportunities for people be- tween16-24 are maximised. Hopefully, when the findings are debated new initiatives canbefound.Companieshave beenofferinggraduates ‘Gold- en Hello’ packages for years andthis isadirectionwemust develop further, reduced tax, supportedNational Insurance Contributions and packages to encourage themtodevelop their own businesses and or to contribute positively to is- land life. FIRST-TIME BUYERS: PLANNING: I would be reluc- tanttosupporthugeincreases inthenumbersofnewbuilds, it isrelativelyrecentlythat the commissioners in Peel had to purchase houses that had beendesignatedasaffordable housing, but the demandwas not there. RESIDENCY:Thisneedsto be considered, it would help if better datawas available on these possible trends from theLandRegistry. Itwouldbe good to see the impact of this being implemented a for 12 month test period – It might well make the island an even more attractive international location to live! SECOND HOMES: An in- crease in stamp duty on ad- ditional properties could be considered. A good stock of private rented accommoda- tionisrequired.Totightenthe supplywould simply push up rents and create more issues formany local people. GOVTSCHEMES:Weneed to buffer ‘rent to buy’, subsi- dised building plots and pri- ority advice for those people considering such options. A simple increasedequitystake by the government would po- tentiallyseepricesrisingeven more to reflect the change. SPEED LIMIT: I think this should be debated. An all-island speed limit would remove a unique advantage which the island can offer, if thiswas introducedthe initial limitwouldneedtobesignifi- cant and the Mountain Road should potentially be exempt fromsuch a change. AIRLINE: At this moment NO! However, the research shouldbecarriedout intothis option. Connectivityof the is- land is essential and whilst ‘OpenSkies’ currentlydoesal- low us to retain key links and arangeof operators thesitua- tion can change quickly. CHIEF MINISTER: It will be good to see the short list, those making the decision in October couldhave a difficult choice… AFGHANS: Short termas- sistance is required until this decision ismade –These peo- ple do need our help. I would need to see the data on what supportwecanoffer. Ihavere-
al concernsabout therebeing too many existing pressures in the areas of mental health support, housing and other basic services for local resi- dents. We cannot invite peo- pleherewithoutafull support andintegrationpackagebeing available. LEGISLATION: Education Bill andAnimalWelfare Bill GBPARTY: Conservative. BREXIT: Yes. MrMoorhouse did not an- swertheremainingquestions. Ayre and Michael cial finance director CARBON:Morerenewable powergeneration,providedit can be effectively stored and delivers a stable and reliable power supply to the island. SOCIALCARE: Potentially yes, provided that it was part of a fully considered plan and the burden was borne fairly. It would need to be clear that it would properly resolve the issues and the money ring- fenced to ensure it was used for its intendedpurpose. COVID-19: The current approachhas ensured that all those currently suitable who want a vaccine have access to it. Weneedtorespect individ- uals’ freedomof choicewhilst ensuring they have the infor- mation needed to make their decisions. ONE GOVT CUT: Cut out whateverdoesnotbenefit the publicoverall andensuregov- ernment isfocusedondeliver- ingoutcomes forthepeopleof theisland. Improvedprocure- ment, modernised budgeting and financial regulations, more decentralised decision making and better informa- tion sharing across govern- ment would be key areas to look at. CANNABIS: Subject to the professional assessment and recommendationsof thechief constableanddirectorofpub- lic health. LOCAL GOVT: This is a matter for local authoritiesas agrouptodetermine,notcen- tral government. The bigger issue is ensuring that service is delivered to the public in themostappropriatemanner, whoever is responsible for it. LEGCO: No. BISHOP: Yes. ABORTION: Reform was neededtoenableabortions to be properly dealt with on-Is- landrather thanbeingunder- takenout of sight elsewhere. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: No – it brings real risks of exploita- tion to the vulnerable in our society. YOUNG PEOPLE: By cre- ating the right opportunities for them to have fulfilling ca- TIMBAKER OCCUPATION: Commer-
Occupation: Journalist. CARBON:UsetheTechnol- ogy Gateway at the airport to bringbusinesses tothe island to help drive our approach to climate change. Agoodexam- pleof this isOrkneywherethe supply of electricity has been 100% from renewable energy sources since 2013 and they haveabusinessmodelaround it bringing jobs. SOCIALCARE:Iamagainst austerity measures – many people already feel worse off thanfive years ago. The big saving to be made is from cutting government waste where I support a cen- tralprofessionalbodytoover- see all large capital projects with departments then given abudgettocarryouttheircore duties. COVID-19: Government can continue to softly mes- sagethebenefitsofhavingvac- cinations but it is a personal choice.Covid-19hasprovedto be a very divisive topic which we need to guard against ONE GOVT CUT: The Fi- nancial Services Authority was amerger of the Financial SupervisionCommissionand the Insurance and Pensions Authority. Part of the rea- son for this was to reduce the number of senior executives. Since 2015, the number has
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PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2021 PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2021 VOTE PE R GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION HURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBE 2021 y Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas. PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2021 shed by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas. VOTE VOTE PETER LMOUR DEPEN ENT CANDIDATE OUGLAS A T E OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION AY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2021 oad, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas. VOT PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THUR DAY 23RD SEPTEMB R 2021 Published by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas. PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THURSDAY 23RD S PTEMBER 2021 Published by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas. VOTE Published by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas.
PETER GILMOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DOUGLAS EAST HOUSE OF KEYS GENERAL ELECTION THURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2021 low the Mountain Road to be one-way and without during motorcycle events. AIRLINE: My gut feel is no because of the costs of run- ning such a venture but the issue does need looking into with a debate. CHIEFMINISTER:Theone thatisasclosetomymanifesto will getmy vote. AFGHANS: We already have issues with our infra- structureas it isbut I thinkwe need to showwe have a heart and compassion. I therefore will support moves to bring a family to the Island who can contribute to our economy. LEGISLATION: Need to learntheropesfirst. Idowant to see government become a single legal entity. GB PARTY: Anyone near
the centre – I think extreme leftand right are dangerous. BREXIT: No. KNEE: Yes. WRITER:JamesPatterson. HERO: NelsonMandela.
Published by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas.
Published by Peter Gilmour, Flat 3, 27 Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LU. Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Printed by The Copy Shop, Douglas.
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