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land was not properly in Eu- rope and didn’t receive the financial benefits I would have. However if I lived in the UKIwouldhavebeenawaver- ing remain voter. ATHLETE: Yes. It’s about equality and not abusing dif- ferences amongst us. WRITER:RaymondEFeist HERO: Nye Bevan. Who doesn’t love the idea of the NHS if not itswaiting lists? PAULWEATHERALL OCCUPATION:Retiredfor- mer library and archive ser- vicesofficerforManxNational Heritage.Previouslyseniorof-
reers here whilst ensuring thathousingisaffordable,and bothhealthandeducationser- vices are excellent. FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: The policy approach to housing needs real coherent think- ing. Housing cannot be con- sidered in isolation from the needs of the economy. Buy- ing houses is just one part of the housing mix – we need to consider thewhole spectrum from social housing through privaterental throughtoown- er occupied and sheltered. It isnotclearwhattherootcause is that is driving the lackof af- fordability. Wemustconsiderbothde- mandandsupplysidesandthe access to financing. Wemust startbyappointingaMinister for Housing to cover all hous- ing issues. The approach is likely to need a mix of ap- proachesinvolvingincentives, regulation and taxation. SPEED LIMIT: We need to improve our road safety re- cord. However, setting speed limits inisolationisnottheso- lution. To address road safe- ty issues, appropriate speed limitsmustbecombinedwith strongerenforcementandim- proved education. CHIEFMINISTER:Which- everministerhas the right vi- sionfortheisland’sfuture,can assemble the right team of ministers, has the leadership qualities for the role and will best represent us externally. AFGHANS:Weshouldplay ourpart inhostingourpro-ra- tashareof thosewhomtheUK accommodate, if they wish to join our community. These will be modest numbers, but I believe would benefit both themand the island. LEGISLATION: A package of legislation which ensures the availability of sufficient andaffordablehousingtorent orbuy for the island’s families and those we need to bring heretosupportourpublicser- vices andprivate businesses. GB PARTY: Am not con- vincedbyanyatpresent–they have too much self/ party in- terest andnot enoughnation- al interest. BREXIT: No. KNEE: Yes. WRITER:MelvynBragg. HERO: AneurinBevan. DRSOSBOUSSOUGOU We emailed and posted a letter toDrBossougoubutdid tics): company director CARBON:Aclimatechange plan that is well thought through and costed. It is cru- cial that financial impacts on thecommunityandcostof liv- ing are factored in and these aredisclosed ina transparent manner. SOCIAL CARE: Increasing taxes at this point would po- tentially harm our economic recovery fromCovid, butwel- fare support for those caring at home needs reviewas does not get a response. ALFREDCANNAN OCCUPATION(beforepoli-
the need to provide more ac- cessible respite care. COVID: We should con- tinue to educate and inform society as to the impacts of non-vaccination. ONEGOVTCUT: Themost important thing the new gov- ernment can do is to ensure that a new fully-costed is- landplan is set outwhichsets out how priorities will be re- sourced and funded. This in turnwill identifywhere there may have to be a paring back of resources. CANNABIS: We have just legalised the growing of me- dicinal cannabis. We should first focusonsuccessfully im- plementing this opportunity as a way of diversifying our economy. LOCAL GOVT: Reforming local authorities should only be a priority for this next ad- ministrationif thereareguar- anteedservice improvements asaresult - therearemanysig- nificant matters of national importance that need to be tackled. LEGCO: Lord Lisvane in his review into Tynwald rec- ommended an appointments paneldrawnfrommembersof theislandcommunitytonom- inateMLCs. Isupportthisrec- ommendation(whichwasnot acceptedbyTynwald). BISHOP: Although in the past I have supported the ancient heritage of having the Lord Bishop contribute to and vote on matters, this now seems increasingly out of place. ABORTION: Yes. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: I sup- port the principles of com- passionandkindnesstothose who are terminally ill and in great pain. Any legislation to relieve suffering in this re- spect shouldbe subject to full public consultation. YOUNG PEOPLE: Con- tinue to grow the economy to providediversificationof em- ployment opportunities. FIRST TIME BUYERS, PLANNING: We could speed up existing planning appli- cations where building is re- quested on zoned land and investigate how empty and abandoned houses can be broughtback into theuse.We could seek to remove some of the blocks that are prevent- ingdevelopmentprojectspro- ceeding in or towns but carte blanche housebuilding is not the answer. RESIDENTIAL QUALIFI- CATION: Maybe – but needs careful consideration as will need to cater for teachers, nurses and skilledemployees etc coming to the Isle of Man to be exempt. SECOND HOMES: There is still the need for a rental market so holding additional property is not necessarily a badthingprovidedit isrented out. Better thatwe domore to protectandallocatenewhous- ing to individual buyers rath- er than allowmultiple house purchases from single inves-
FIRST-TIME BUYERS: It could be a mixture of all or none but we definitely need more affordable houses and social care houses. SPEED LIMIT: No but we need speed limits on some of the smaller country roads. AIRLINE: No. I think that shiphas sailed. CHIEF MINISTER: The role’s undemocratic and should be changed. The chief minister shouldn’t get topick CoMin. Whoever gets in that has already had media train- ing, if fornootherreasonthan itwill save a fewquid. AFGHANS: I don’t know howmanybutwe should take some. LEGISLATION:Reforming Tynwaldtosomethingthatre- semblesademocraticprocess; Chief minister powers gone and more of a spokesperson role introduced; Comin gone; Collectiveresponsibilitygone. Introduction of three-person MHK committee to head de- partments instead of minis- ters,MLC roles removed. GBPARTY:Maybe Labour. BREXIT: Remain. KNEE: Yes. WRITER: RonaldDahl. HERO: Don’t have a hero. Mr Johnston said he was toobusytocompleteourques- tionnaire. DUNCANLIVINGSTONE OCCUPATION (before pol- itics): Retired police officer, current driving instructor CARBON: Free bus travel SOCIAL CARE: For higher earners COVID: I thinkthecurrent set up is performingwell ONEGOVTCUT:Nodesign of capital projects BEFORE public consultation CANNABIS: Legalised and regulated LOCALGOVT:Happywith thefunctionsthelocalauthor- ities perform TIMJOHNSTON ABORTIONREFORM: Yes EQUALMARRIAGE:Abso- ASSISTED DYING: Un- decided yet. Will need to see more evidence from both sides before deciding. YOUNG PEOPLE: One op- tion would be to pay back tu- ition fees to graduates who return and take up employ- ment for a period of time FIRSTTIMEBUYERS: PLANNING: Absolutely not. Shouldbetightenedwith residency conditions placed on greenfield. RESIDENCY QUALIFICA- TIONS?Yes. SECONDHOMEOWNERS: Not on second home owners, but certainly people or com- panieswhoownabove certain number. MOREGENEROUS: Yes SPEEDLIMIT: No. AIRLINE: Ideally yes, but we would need to find anoth- ermoney treefirst. CHIEF MINSTER: Still lutely LEGCO: Yes BISHOP: No
waiting to be convinced! AFGHANS: We need to consider a pro rata number which equals other nearby jurisdictions LEGISLATION: The easy answer is theAnimalWelfare Bill which needs passing as soon as possible. I would like to see the le- galisation and regulation of recreational cannabis, and the decriminalising of drug use, instead allowing police resources to concentrate on the drug dealers. GBPARTY: At themoment I wouldn’t. BREXIT: Because the is-
GOVT SCHEMES: Gen- erous is the wrong word - we need more appropriate schemesand itwouldbegood to see rent to buy becoming a moremainstreamoption. SPEED LIMIT: Not all our roads require limitations but our towns and villages must have effective speed controls. AIRLINE: Preferably not. Guernsey’s airline cost the taxpayer£10min2019andfull nationalising could be a sig- nificant financial risk. Better weworkinpartnershipwitha provenoperator. CHIEF MINISTER: Some- one with vision for the island who offers inclusive and lis- tening leadership. AFGHANS:Manxmen and women have served along- side their British military colleagues in Afghanistan protecting us all against ter- rorism. We have amoral duty to consider acting carefully and proportionately to assist in this instance. LEGISLATION: Anything that solves a problemand en- hances people’s living stand- ards. GB PARTY: The party with thebestpoliciesontheecono- my, health and education. BREXIT:Brexithaspassed – we should focus on the fu- ture, not the past. KNEE: Standing or kneel- ing we should be united against racism. WRITER:Theauthorofthe book I’mreading at the time. HERO:Anyonewhostands up for what they believe in OCCUPATION: Builder CARBON: Properly insu- SOCIALCARE: Yes COVID: By this point most people who want the vaccine have had it and the ones that don’t either can’t have it or don’t want it. People are enti- tled tomake the choice about what they put in their bodies, whether we agree with them or not. ONE GOVT CUT: Rather than any one role or depart- ment, I’d start by making in- cremental cuts across the whole of government, start- ing withanyduplicatedroles. CANNABIS: Yes LOCAL GOVT: I don’ t know, I know we need to get the peoples interest back in local politics. Ultimately the people’sparticipationwill de- cide the number. LEGCO : Ye s bu t we shouldn’t keepMLCs. BISHOP: Definitely not. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTEDDYING: Yes. YOUNG PEOPLE: For the students that leave the island togotouniversity, I’dgive free tuition fees to thoseoneswho return to the island to work for at least five years. Afford- able houses and rents. Make it cheaper and easier to travel off the island. late our homes. against the odds. PHILCORKILL
A Strong Economy for the benefit of everyone. “Teiy tarmaynys niartal cur foays da dagh ooilley pheiagh” Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020. Published by Jason Moorhouse, Oak Tree Cottage, 4 Paradise Court, Castletown, IM9 1AQ
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