www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
GENERAL ELECTION RESIDENCY: No. SECONDHOME: Yes. SCHEMES:Yes,absolutely. SPEED LIMIT: No, but in- troduce lower speed limits in some residential areas. More education needed for young drivers vs speed. AIRLINE: Yes, only if they make it acommercial success andnotaburdenonManxtax- payers. CHIEF MINISTER: Juan Watterson. AFGHANS: None, as we don’t offer other refugees a home here. So why would Af- ghans be different? We need to concentrate on our own homeless first.
Areminderof thequ
tics): Registerednurse CARBON: Ensure all new build homes are properly in- sulated. SOCIAL CARE: A signifi- cant piece of work has been commenced around fund- ing of nursing and residen- tial home care, and the wider funding of social care should be incorporated into the transformation project on this topic. I believewe should explore a ring-fencedNI fund as a solution for social care provision. COVID:Thisshouldbeper- sonalchoice,howeveritisvital thatvaccinationsareprovided at accessible locations over a wide range of days/times to suit everyone. ONE GOVT CUT: I would re-tender the meat plant to be run by a private operator. This should be run on amore commercial basis and must prioritise provision of high- quality Manx meat to Manx customers. As chair of the Environ- ment and Infrastructure Policy Review Committee we issued a report raising seri- ous concerns about the cur- rent operational structure, lack of good governance and the growing level of subven- tion required, only to export the majority of high-quality Manxmeat off-island. CANNABIS: I believe we need to move to a position of treatingdruguseasamedical issue rather than a criminal issue. I would support amove to decriminalisation of can- nabis forpersonalusewithan increased focus on education aboutdrugandalcoholuse, as wellassupport forthosewish- ing to reduce their depend- ence on substances. LOCAL GOVT: I would support a move to five local authorities with an associ- ated consideration of devolv- ing additional powers to local authorities such as roads and footpaths. LEGCO: I believe that the role of LegCo is primarily technical with a focus on leg- islative scrutiny and revision. Themandate provided by the public toHouse of Keysmem- bers is one of policy which should not be the primary fo- cusofLegCo. Iwouldsupporta nominations commission for LegCo where candidates can apply directly. I have been pleased to see really robust scrutiny fromLegCo over the past five years. BISHOP: No. I would sup- port a rota of religious and humanist leaderstoofferape- riodofreflectionatthestartof House of Keys/Tynwald as an alternative to prayers. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes, it was my privilege to second the legislation. We are now at an important junctionwhere we need to review how the legislation isworking inprac- tice as I amaware of concerns aroundtimelyandnon-judge- mental access to this impor- tant service. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes, it has been my privilege to also
LEGISLATION: Scrap the work permit scheme and re- placewithapointssystemlike Australia. GBPARTY: Green. BREXIT: No. KNEE: Absolutely. WRITER: Jenny Eclair. H E R O : E m m e l i n e Pankhurst. Douglas East CLAREBARBER Occupation (before poli-
serve as Chair of the Isle of Pride Committee focussing on equality overmany areas. ASSISTED DYING: Yes, with the appropriate safe- guards in place. I believe we need to now conduct a public consultation on this impor- tant topic. Having worked in Hospice, A&E, ICUandnurs- ing homes I know how amaz- ing endof life care canbe. But for some people it is not their chosen route and we should be offering the same bodily autonomy indeath as in life. YOUNGPEOPLE:We need a diversified economy with availability of jobs in digital and green sectors, availabil- ity of affordable housing and a thriving arts, culture, sport andhospitalitysectorsothere issomethingtocomebackfor. FIRST-TIME BUYERS: There will need to be a pack- age of measures needed in- cluding, but not limited to: - relaxed planning meas- ures for development of first time/last time buyers’ homes to free up both ends of the housingmarket. •legislation to ensure that the vendor covers the legiti- mate costs of the purchaser if gazumping occurs. •an improved first-time buyer scheme that allows more people to access it. •stronger enforcement of Section 13 agreements for developers to construct first timebuyershousingaspartof any development. •consideration of regu- lating the housing market to prioritise those with a legiti- mate interest, rather than thosewho see housing onour Island as a speculative finan- cial instrument. SPEED LIMIT: No, we should continue to follow the Safer Systems Approach as outlined in the Road Safety Strategy focussing on appro- priate speed limits on a road- by-roadbasis. AIRLINE: Securing the is- land’s strategic sea links was absolutely the right thing to do, but we would need to conduct a bigger piece of work before I could commit to supporting the creation of a nationalised airline. Any businesscasewouldalsoneed to consider alternatives such as underwriting key strategic routes. CHIEFMINISTER: IfIwere to vote today based on the in- formation I have available to me, I would vote for Alf Can- nan. AFGHANS: I don’t believe thereisaspecificnumber,but do believe we should partner withtherefugeeresettlement scheme via the UK Govern- ment. Manyof thoseinneedofre- settlementareskilledindivid- uals who have supported the British military in Afghani- stan over the past 20 years. If those now seeking refuge fromAfghanistanhad sought to move here three months ago, they would likely have beeneligibleforworkpermits andvisasowingtotheirskills,
Name justonespecificthingweshoulddo to cut the island’s carbon footprint. Wouldyouvoteforanincreaseinin- come tax topay for social care? What extrameasures shouldbe intro- duced to persuade more people to have Covid-19 vaccinations? The government payroll has grown asmorestaffhavebeenemployed.Name one cut you’d support to reduce head- count andexpense. Should cannabis for recreational use be decriminalised? Howmany local authorities should therebe inthe IsleofMan? If we keep the Legislative Council, shouldMLCs be electedby the public? ShouldtheBishophaveanautomatic votingpositionintheLegislativeCoun- cil andTynwald?
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Didyousuppor Will yousuppor lation to permit ass How would yo people toreturnto What measure( make it easier for fi 1. Relaxed plan makeiteasiertobui takeitasreadthatyo development over happy to be surpris 2. A residency q erty purchase? 3.Punitivetaxes ers 4. Much more g schemes to subsid
yet now we have seen it be- ing challenged whether they shouldbe permitted to come. I am privileged to have friends on the island who were refugees and are now Manx citizens contributing to our Island and supporting ourIsland’sneeds. Iworrythat the title of ‘refugee’ makes it easiertodehumanisethecon- versation and leads to people beingtreatedastradablecom- modities. LEGISLATION: I would bring legislationtomakeHate Crime a criminal offence. GB PARTY: I have, in the past, been a member of the Conservative party, however I much prefer the autonomy an independent candidature brings. BREXIT:Asanexpat Ihada vote and voted to remain. KNEE: Standing up for what is right and using your platform to do good is very important for professional athletes and other influential positions. However, taking the knee as anactionmust be followed up with actions that engen- der positive change. Taking the kneewon’t in and of itself leadtochange, anymore than wavingarainbowflagatPride will improve gay rights. We need to listen to our constituents who represent minority communities and understandtheirexperiences and howwe can best achieve lasting change. AUTHOR: Jeffrey Archer for me, or Roald Dahl when reading stories to my boys at bedtime. HERO: Birgitte Nyborg as the fictional Prime Minister inBörgen.Thesynergieswith the Manx Parliament around a Prime Minister seeking to unite a diverse group of poli- ticians are fascinating and her style reminds me of the genuine compassion shown by Jacinda Ardern (another inspirational politician). JONEYFARAGHER OCCUPATION: Charity worker supporting bereaved
CARBON: Setting up low- interest loans for people to make energy-efficiency im- provements to their homes and businesses, and to install renewable energy. SOCIAL CARE: No for low and middle earners; yes for high earners. COVID:Education, includ- ing facts and statistics. PHE have just published a com- prehensive report of vaccina- tionimpactonCovid-19cases, hospitalisation and deaths in England showing vaccine is incredibly effective, we need this information locally and we need government to pub- liciseit toraiseawarenessand knowledge. ONE GOVT CUT: Senior level staff – examine closely allpostsaboveEOlevel.Allow AOs andEOsmoreautonomy, relevant to their experience and knowledge – these are often the people who are the experts. Empower them to improve their own efficiency. I know many of them would love the chance. CANNABIS: Yes LOCAL GOVT: Fewer than therearenow,sotheywillben- efit from economies of scale. I think five would be a good number (but would like to li- aise with councillors about this too) ABORTIONREFORM: Yes EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes ASSISTEDDYING: Yes YOUNG PEOPLE: Afford- able housing – targeted FTB schemes. Green New Deal policies will bring lots of exciting op- portunities in new tech and infrastructure. Make our island a better place to live andhave a family through strong social policy, strengthensocial securitynet (ratherthanweakenit). Invest inyouthpriorities–socialisa- tion, eg it will pay to support small local businesses as places such as internet cafes andmicrobreweries arewhat young people want in their LEGCO: Yes BISHOP: No
A LISTENING VOICE FOR ARBORY CASTLETOWN AND MALEW House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September 2021 House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September 2021
House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September 2021
House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September 2021
Gerard HIGGINS G I Published by Gerard Higgins, 36 Farmhill Meadows, Douglas | Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas | Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020 Gerard HIGGINS d STANDING TO DELIVER For Douglas South For Douglas South STANDING TO DELIVER
Published by Gerard Higgins, 36 Farmhill Meadows, Douglas | Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas | Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020
Gerard HIGGINS d
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