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Tuesday, September 14, 2021 www.iomtoday.co.im
quotehis 1987document,The Development of Policy, inmy Policy Agenda 2021: ‘Respon- sible Government involves detailed analysis and the co- ordination of policies which have been considered, taking account of all factors.’ SARAHACKMAN OCCUPATION: Purchase ledger and revenue control- ler atHospice CARBON: Electric buses. SOCIALCARE:Yes, as long asweknowwearenotwasting money. COVID: Ibelievethat those whohaven’talreadybeenvac- cinatedaredoing it by choice, believing various conspiracy theories. People cannot be forced. If they are we become a totalitarian society. ONE GOVT CUT: DH- SC currently only accepts chequesaspaymentof invoic- es. It’s 2021. Unbelievable! CANNABIS: Yes. LOCALGOVT: Five. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. EQUALMARRIAGE:Abso- ASSISTEDDYING: Yes. YOUNG PEOPLE: Provide themwithaffordablehousing, entertainment and reasona- ble travel off the island. FIRST-TIME BUYERS, PLANNING: No. lutely! LEGCO: Yes. BISHOP: No.
CHIEFMINISTER: Asking that question harms Manx public policy as it encour- ages chief ministers to think of themselves as quasi-Presi- dents rather than as first in a ministerial government team responsible to Keys, Tynwald and the public. This time the right things need doing to ad- dress thechallengesweclear- ly face. First Chief Minister criterion is public mandate whichdependsoncandidates’ policy and capability. Second will be their ability to form a teamof at least 13MHKs. AFGHANS:Theislandwel- comes Afghans here as eco- nomic migrants. It cannot participate in just one refu- gee programme without risk ofadiscriminationclaim, and wouldneedtoamendhousing and social security law and policy to allow refugees to be treated any differently to Isle ofMan residents. LEGISLATION: Consoli- dated,modernised, appropri- ate housing and tenancy law. GB PARTY: I’d vote tacti- cally depending on the con- stituency. BREXIT: No, but I respect the result. KNEE: Yes, depending on the situation and team deci- sion. WRITER: Political? Andre Gorz. HERO: Sir Miles Walker. I
range of career opportuni- ties, and increasing housing andlifestyleopportunitiesfor younger people FIRST TIME BUYERS : Strategic planning will need to be stronger to adjust the housingmarket to accommo- date the needs of local peo- ple of every generation. For instance planning law com- prehensive treatment will be needed to creatively re-use brownfields and can contrib- ute to making better use of the large number of vacant and under-occupied build- ingsaheadofconcretinggreen fields. Financial incentives will also be helpful, including local authority rate discounts forbrownfieldhousing, tiered Land Registry rates for first- andsecond- timebuyerswith lowerandmiddleincomesand reductioninfeesforowneroc- cupiers,andhousingimprove- ment grants and loans linked withenergyefficiencytargets. Residencyrestrictionsneedto be put inplace too. SPEEDLIMIT: No. AIRLINE: No, but air pas- senger revenue, subsidy and light-touchregulationshould beused for thenational inter- estandastrategicpartnership with a locally-based airline would be helpful to encour- ageyoungerpeopleto liveand workhereandforinternation- al-facing business. Lawrie Hooper Ramsey +44 7624 473478 Web: www.lhooperiom.com Email: lawrie@lhooperiom.com Facebook: Paul Weatherall Ayre & Michael Halcyon Days, Main Road, Ballaugh, Isle of Man, IM7 5EX +44 7624 479436 Email: paul.weatherall@ manx.net Facebook: Paul Weatherall for Ayre & Michael Twitter: @PaulWeatherall Hooperl Twitter: @lawriehooper
canprovidethebasis formore joinedupwastemanagement. Other larger-scale local pro- vision could be regionalised withcommissioners running what’s left. LEGCO: Public election is only needed for representa- tives who form Government and determine major policy, taxation and expenditure. MLCs will not vote for the Chief Minister this time and thiscontinuestransformation of theLegislativeCouncil into a legislative committee. BISHOP: I voted against it already, but this reformis not major priority. ABORTION: Not always, but itwas improvedbyCALM, professionals and those with otherbut importantviewslike HEAR. Itwouldhavebeenbet- ter to have important policy elements settled before the legislation was drafted rath- er than during its passage through both Keys and Legis- lativeCouncil. EQUAL MARRIAGE: Yes, voted for it in2016. ASSISTED DYING: Not until effective capacity legis- lation is in place and seeing what principles are proposed aroundassistedlivingandad- vance directives. YOUNGPEOPLE: Enhanc- ing the number and depth of economic sectors on the Is- landtoprovideamorediverse
surance levy paid by younger people so that part of social care canbeuniversally free at the point of need eventually, and for capping social care contributions with more as- sets protectednow. COVID: Making voluntary vaccinationseasywill increase take-up, as will reasonable and intelligent discussion of benefitsandrisks for individ- uals and the community. ONE GOVT CUT: We need to employ enough people to ensure good public services, especially if it is better value than any alternative. Eliminating Covid contact tracing and travel notifica- tion roleswill cut roles added inlastfiveyears,aswillspeedy completionofthetransforma- tionprojectsinhealthcare,cli- mate change and education. CANNABIS:Simpleposses- sionshouldbeanon-criminal offence, andinitialpublicpol- icy focus shouldbe on regula- tory and other arrangements forprescribedmedicinal use. LOCAL GOVT: The ques- tion should be what will in- crease value for ratepayers. Three or so housing associa- tions couldmake a huge con- tributiontofixingthehousing crisis and these could evolve fromlocal authorities. Incorporatedregional civ- icamenitysitesandhousehold wasterecyclingarrangements
can change depending upon prevailing economic circum- stances. BREXIT:No. Brexitwasnot defined and I would not vote for the unknown. KNEE: No. I prefer politics whichuse reason rather than physical gestures to get the point across. Political move- mentswhichrequirephysical gestures to signal adherence or compliance, for example, National Socialism in 1930s Germany, are generally divi- siveandhavehadanunhappy history in theworld. WRITER: Shakespeare. A quote foranysituationorpre- dicament. HERO: Danilo Dolci. He had a very tough time pur- suing political reform in the teeth of fierce opposition in Sicily. ANNCORLETT Mrs Corlett did not com- plete our questionnaire. CHRISTHOMAS OCCUPATION(beforepoli- tics): financial analyst CARBON: Decision about period of hydrogen-gas blend availability and Island inter- connector tocleanerelectric- ity. SOCIALCARE:No. Instead the shelved July 2018 options need implementation. These were for adedicatedsocial in-
Vote for your Liberal Vannin Candidate on Thursday, Sept 23rd.
Michael Josem Douglas East +44 7624 488557 Web: michaeljosem.com Email: michael@michael josem.com Social Media: @michaeljosem
Peter Willers Onchan
Ballagawne Farm, Ballagawne Road, Baldrine, IM4 6EP +44 7624 453000 Web:
www.peterwillers.com Email: election@peter- willers.com Facebook: Peter Willers For Onchan MHK Twitter: @PeterforMHK
Working Together for All of Us
Published by the Liberal Vannin Party, The Rigs, Mount Auldyn, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3PJ
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