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diciary system would be far better used in a more holis- tic approach to prevent and treatdrugaddiction, and I am in favour of on the spot fines for small amounts while it is illegal, toreducetimeandcost in the courts, and reduce the impactonanindividual found with small amounts of a class Bdrug. LOCAL GOVT: Local gov- ernment reform needs to be addressed in the first year of this next administration – including a local authority evaluation. Restructuring to have fewer local authorities does not mean that small- er par i shes woul d l ose their elected official. Pool- ing of resources will provide bettereconomiesofscale, and buying power, which would be cost beneficial to the rate- payer, and could be used to improve services or putmore money back into people’s pockets. LEGCO: No – It should be very clear that MLCs are there to scrutinise govern- ment, which is essential as Tynwald operates without a 2 party system as seen in the UK; MLCs are not there to represent the public on con- stituency issues. If they be- came elected this would blur the linesbetweenanMLCand MHK. BISHOP: I do not object to the Bishop having a voting position.TheBishopprovides not only a moral perspective but heor she alsomakes valu- able contribution inmotions or general debates. ABORTION: Yes EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes ASSISTED DYING: I sup- port freedomof choiceanddo notbelievepeopleshouldsuf- fer unduly, but there should be very careful consideration to the depth and detail of the legislation.Thisisahugelyim- portant and significant issue, andas such Iwould like to see the next administration ad- dressing this issuebyholding a referendum and give every- one on the island the right to have their say individually. YOUNG PEOPLE: Deliver affordable housing, both in the mortgage market, and rental market. Wider job op- portunities by encouraging specific sectors to the island and making it a centre of ex- cellence (Fintech, clean en- ergy), coupled with lifelong learning, better leisure fa- cilities, and robust transport links. FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: a. Streamlinedand joined- up planning process favour- ingeco-friendlyandasmaller houses andflats, government supported mortgages to re- duce deposit requirements, changes to first time buyer criteria to widen it to others – such as people who have fallenoff the property ladder, couples separatedetc. and in- centives fordevelopers forre- modelling brownfield sites. b. Abetter policywouldbe to favour those who are pur-

Unfortunately, this is not the case with the island, but I am committed to ensuring that immediatefinancialaidispro- vided, andtheIslandmustad- dressworkingtowardstheUN recommended aid budget of 0.7% of GDP rather than the current amount 0.06% LEGISLATION: I would highlight rates and local au- thorityreform,whichvarious administrationshavefailedto address,aswellasmeasuresto support first time buyers and thosewishing to downsize. GB PARTY: I am a floating voter between a left leaning Conservative Party or right

FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: Mr Wannenburgh did not answer this. But the answer to the question above covers some of the points. SPEEDLIMIT: No AIRLINE: No CHIEF MINISTER: Mr Wannenburgh did not an- swer this. AFGHANS: 20 tp 25. I feel compassion for people who have been forced to flee their homes in times of war, but feelings are not enough. Thereisneveraconvenient time for this happen, as there wasn’t inthe lastcenturywith the outbreak of fascism. It is howweact inthesetimes that makesusthepeopleweareto- day. LEGISLATION: An intro- duction of a “Manx Home Loans Scheme” to assist our young people in finding de- posits tobuytheirownhomes and become stakeholders in our island. GBPARTY: None BREXIT: Yes. Although it hasbeenchronicallymisman- aged in its execution. KNEE: No WRITER: JeffreyArcher HERO: BobbyKennedy CLAIRECHRISTIAN Occupation (before poli- tics): creative director, busi- ness owner, teacher, 20 years in business based in London, but operating globally. CARBON: Do an energy audit of your home. This will showhowyouuseorwasteen- ergy andhelp identifyways to be more energy efficient; gov funding/DEFA personnel should support this SOCIAL CARE: There are other ways to generate reve- nueandsavemoneyingovern- ment – particularly a single entitygovernment, increasing taxation should not be neces- sary and only considered as a last resort. COVID-19: No extrameas- ures are required.We already have a strong take up and it is personal choice, however the government isresponsiblefor education to allow for these personal choices to be prop- erlyinformed,basedonscien- tific evidence, data and facts. ONE GOVT CUT: Reduc- ing the number of temporary contractors and locums, and replacewithsalariedworkers to reduce the cost of payroll. CANNABIS: I am open to this based on medical evi- dence, health risks being un- derstood and the assessed impact to Island life and our society – but more impor- tantly our focus needs to be on rehabilitation, instead of criminalising young peo- ple. The cost implications of many small recreational of- fences going through the ju- Douglas South

chasingas theirprimary resi- dence, and those who have lived on the island for more than2 years. c. Much more generous government schemes to sub- sidise the cost of homes for first-time buyers. SPEEDLIMIT: No AIRLINE: No – but we shouldbeexpectedtosensibly support andsustainessential air-transport links if required CHIEF MINISTER: Some- one who is a strong leader and whose policies are most alignedwithmine AFGHANS:Having friends and family who have served in the British Military in Ka- bul, and Helmand I know what wonderful people the Afghans are. We are a com- panionate nation, and these people need to be support by the global community. But to dosoweneedtomakesurewe have the right infrastructure to allow them to live fulfilling lives here. LEGISLATION: Equal pa- rental leave to adopt gender equality,whichhasbeenlack- ing for far too long. GBPARTY:Labourundera Conservative leader! BREXIT: No KNEE: Yes WRITER: Alexandre Du- mas HERO: JacindaArdern GERARDHIGGINS Occupation (before poli- tics): senior executive officer, Treasury (income tax divi- sion). CARBON: We need more extensive support than the forthcoming Green Living Grant Scheme provides and regulationsaroundbothpub- lic and private sector new builds and improvements be- ingeco-friendly.Government also needs to lead by example intheirownbuildingsandve- hicles. SOCIAL CARE: The next administration must deliver savings and efficiencies by cutting both waste and over spending on projects, end- less management layers and the expanding public sector wage bill first. It is only after this and the delivery of the correct levelsof frontline ser- vices that we will know what funds are truly available for expenditure in other areas such as social care. ONEGOVTCUT: Thereare many proposals set out inmy manifesto but MHKs should lead by example in voting for a five-year pay freeze of their salaries, restrictingtheirown pensionbenefitsandareduc- tion in their numbers. CANNABIS: I fullysupport allowing doctors to prescribe cannabis for medicinal pur- poses but I do not support decriminalising it for recrea- tional use. For some it could beagatewaydrugtomoredan- gerous substances, the use of which, fromanearly age,may have a longer term adverse health impact. LOCAL GOVT: There

should be four regional au- thorities with a fair and equi- tableratingsystem,andsingle personhouseholdreductions. LEGCO: Yes. The individu- alsshouldnotbe‘super’MHKs but elected by an island-wide vote, based on their demon- stration of skills and scruti- nising ability rather than any policy agenda ormanifestos. BISHOP: No. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: There should be an informed and balanced debate on assisted dying, with a public referen- dumbeing held no later than the next General Election. If this does not materialise, but legislation is brought before theHouseofKeys, Iwouldnot simplyrelyonconsultationre- sponses,butwouldholdapub- licmeetingtogaintheopinion ofconstituentsbeforeanyvote is taken. YOUNGPEOPLE:We need to think in terms both of the retentionandreturnof young people. Measures must in- clude; affordable housing as set out inmy next answer, ex- pansion of leisure facilities, better funding of internships and apprentices, more on-Is- land higher education cours- es, including UCM, andmore studentnursetrainingplaces, economydiversitytousetheir skills andoffset of income tax paid against student loans. FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: A Government-led initia- tiveforbuildingfirsttimebuy- er environmentally-friendly homes, with the emphasis on usingbrownfieldsitesandur- ban regeneration. A variety of low cost home ownership schemes to assist andsupportfirst timebuyers, including rent to buy, equity sharing and co-ownership programmes. Savings schemes for first time buyers similar to ISAs, whereby Government makes a contribution proportionate to an individual’s savings. To investigate if an anti- competitive situation exists due toa significant amount of development land being held by a small number of inves- tors. The ability to work col- laboratively with sellers and estate agents, ensuring that lower priced properties are only made available to first time buyers and those look- ing to downsize. Consideration of an in- come levy, orotheradditional charge, to non-resident own- ers, who have no Island con- nections but are renting out lower priced properties, or whoaresimplyretainingthem unoccupied. SPEED LIMIT: No, but there should be regular re- views based on the feedback of the emergency services. AIRLINE: Government should work closely with the industrytoensurereliableair services without subsidies. Consideration of a national airline should only be an op-

tion on the table as a last re- sort bearing inmind that the Guernsey operation had loss- es of £10min the year prior to the pandemic. CHIEFMINISTER: No one cansayuntilweknowwhohas been successful at the polls. I want a Chief Minister who puts people and their com- munities first, recognises that they are accountable to the public, is a good listener, anddemonstratesbothstrong leadership skills and vision. AFGHANS: It is essential tohavethenecessarysupport and infrastructure inplace to be able to rehome refugees.

Vote Steve Crowther Arbory, Castletown & Malew

Dear constituents As an architect with international transport & infrastructure experience, why am I standing for MHK............. ∙ We must now resolve the issues blighting our local road network and create new affordable first-time buyer eco housing, meeting the needs of our deserving workers. ∙ We must undermine the growing influence of UK crime cartels on our schools & local communities, affecting mental health through mobile phone, social media & peer pressure. ∙ To resolve the loss of local amenities, including Post Office, banking and the requirement for digital only platforms, isolating so many of our senior citizens, making them feel obsolete. ∙ To diversify our economy by attracting new inward investment using climate change technology research and new income streams, to provide many of the new skilled jobs desperately needed for our young. .... my manifesto addresses these & other pressing issues.... Mob. 416722. Land 823341 F. @steve.crowther

W. www.stevecrowther.net vote@stevecrowther.net

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