www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021 newsdesk@iomtoday.co.im
carer with Crossroad Carers occasionally. CARBON: Produce less waste. SOCIAL CARE: I would support an increase in tax for high net worth individuals. We need to support low and middle earners, not penalise them. COVID: It is a personal choice if you decide to be vac- cinated. Idon’tthinkpersuad- ing people to change their mind is appropriate. However, if people who would like the vaccine but don’t want to attend a hub then perhaps being vaccinat- ed at your current practice may be more accessible and friendly to helpwith any anx- ieties or questions you may have. ONE GOVT CUT: I would support a review of middle management structures to ensure there is no duplica- tionof roles. CANNABIS:Weshouldnot criminalisepeopleforposses- sion of small amounts of can- nabis. Iwouldsupportamove towards properly regulated decriminalisation. LOCAL GOVT: Far less, with greater authority re- garding local matters leaving Government to deal with na- tional issues and to save costs via amalgamations. LEGCO:Yesonanall-island basis. BISHOP: No. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. EQUAL MARRIAGE: Yes andtheprogressivecivil part- nershipelementintroducedat the same time. ASSISTEDDYING: Yes. YOUNG PEOPLE: A top priority would be more af- fordable housing. I would al- so encourage new employers in future facing industries in order to provide desirable employment opportunities. I would support improvement inthesocialandleisureindus- tries that provide something extra for our island’s young adults andprofessionals. FIRST-TIME BUYERS: Planning is for the long term. I would not advocate a ‘knee jerk’ relaxation to resolve the present crisis. I would seek measures to discourageoffislandinvestors frombuyingup‘firsttimebuy- ers’ housing to rent out just because of low bank interest rates. I believe a combination of moresocialhousing, schemes forfirst timebuyersandthose wishing to downsize such as ‘equitysharing’or‘community landtrusts’ shouldbebrought forward. SPEED LIMIT: I support moves towards control of speed in residential areas. An all-island speed limit would not prevent deaths and seri- ous injury caused by danger- ous or wreck less drivers. I would support a scheme to provide additional training and awareness for all drivers who have been prosecuted or fined for driving dangerously
WRITER: Ihaveagreat love of the West Yorkshire Moors so I would choose the Bronte sisters,whowerefeministhe- roes ahead of their time. HERO: Malala Yousafzai, who, in the face of adversity was a prominent activist for human rights and education. SARAHMALTBY OCCUPATION: Senior ed- ucation support officer and
leaning Labour Party. BREXIT: No. I believe de- parture fromtheEUwill have a negative impact on trade, jobs, businessesandconsum- er prices. Only timewill tell if the withdrawal was right or wrong. KNEE: Ideploreall formsof racismbutIwouldnottakethe knee. We need strong action against racism and not sym- bolic gestures.
ChiefMinister HowardQuayle
Theother incumbentMHKswhoarenot seeking election include Laurence Skelly, whohasbeenelectedPresidentofTynwald. Assuchhewill chairLegislativeCouncil and Tynwald sittings. He representedRushen from2011. BillShimmins,whohasrepresentedMid- dleforfiveyears,hasdecidednottorunagain while ChrisRobertshaw,whowaselectedto represent Douglas East in a by-election in 2010, is retiring frompolitics.
ThenextHouseofKeyswillbeverydifferent for at least one reason. Therewill be a newchiefminister. The current chief minister, Howard Quayle, is retiring from politics after five years in the job and 10 as anMHK. His successor will be chosen by MHKs and then he or she will choose the Council ofMinisters. Ministers are in charge of departments andarepaidmoremoneythanotherMHKs.
VOTE CHRISTINE URQUHART for Douglas East PUTTING THE PEOPLE BACK INTO POLITICS Avote for Christine is a vote for YOU To register to vote: https://www.gov.im/registertovote VOTE CHRISTINE FOR KEYS
or in awreck lessmanner. Overtheyearswehavewit- nessedmanytragedies involv- ing young people and I would seek to introduce further measures to try and reduce these incidents. AIRLINE: No. The money couldbemorewisely spent. CHIEFMINISTER: Iwillre- serve judgement until I read the variousmanifestos of any potential candidates elected. AFGHANS: Itmust bepro- portionate and take into ac- count that social benefits are not available topeople newto the island for 5 years. LEGISLATION: Improve- ment of social issues, in particular maternity and pa- ternity provision. GB PARTY: Labour Party- although the Manx Labour Partyisnotaffiliated,ourcore principles aremost aligned. BREXIT: No. KNEE: I would encourage equality in all walks of life all of the time. WRITER: Not a typical question so my answer is not typical either! Anne Frank. When I heard her story as a child, it stayed with me as a permanent reminder of how political decisions can have a devastating impact on the or- dinary person. HERO: Jacinda Ardern, NewZealand’s PM. PAULQUINE Occupation (before poli- tics) commercial airline pilot CARBON: Reverse the MUA’s decision to reduce the tariffpaid for the private gen-
erationof electricity. SOCIAL CARE: No. Tax rises only serve to ultimately reduce investment and ulti- mately leave us poorer. We need to leave more money in hard-working people’s pock- ets, that’s how we generate stimulus for investment in such as social care. COVID: I am a libertarian and that decision is for the conscience of the individual. ONEGOVTCUT:Moreout- sourcing at Ronaldsway Air- port CANNABIS: No LOCALGOVT: Four LEGCO: Given that their rolehaschangedsignificantly, I have no issue with how they are currently appointed. BISHOP: No ABORTIONREFORM: Yes EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: I sup- porttheprincipleofdebateon this issue. It is a highly com- plexanddivisiveissue,soopen debate is essential. YOUNGPEOPLE: By offer- ing them the ability to enjoy a good quality work/life bal- ance.Affordablehousingwith goodcareeropportunitiesand ataxationsystemthatrewards their hardwork. FIRSTTIMEBUYERS: RELAXED PLANNING: Within certain parameters. Weneedtostrategise thebest use of our land. RESIDENCY QUALIFICA- TION: Yes. Our island should notbeaninvestmentopportu- nity foroff-Islandspeculators tothedetrimentofourpeople. SECOND HOME TAXES:
No.Not onsecondhomeown- ers, many of whom are hard- working people who have chosen to invest in property as part of their portfolio. GENEROUS SCHEMES: Yes. A government backed 95% mortgage to value is in my manifesto. This should be available across the spec- trum and not only for first- time buyers. SPEEDLIMIT: No. AIRLINE: Ministerial stu- pidity allowed for Manx Air- lines to be sold off, despite havingfirstbeenofferedtothe government for just£1.There- fore we sadly no longer have the required up-to-date skill set to properly run an airline. Insteadwe need toworkwith a partner airline to showcase our identity and to create and sustainlocalhigh-skilledjobs. This would also significantly lessen direct exposure to any downside. CHIEF MINISTER: No comment. AFGHANS:TheIsleofMan isnotequippedtoofferrefuge within the context of what is required. LEGISLATION: The intro- ductionofgovernmentbacked 95% loan to valuemortgages. GBPARTY: Undecided.My opinionof themvaries. BREXIT: Yes. KNEE: No. WRITER: Frederick For- syth HERO: Churchill. Thecandidatesfortheother six constituencies will appear inThursday’sManxIndepend- ent.
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