Tuesday, September 14, 2021 www.iomtoday.co.im
byHaroldRichmondandmarketing ahighgradeCheshirecheese,wasto close down. He stated: ‘If the Association’s
eries Ltd, andwouldbe prepared to favourably consider the purchase from that compaby of any suitable plant andmachinery.’ Thesecretaryaddedthatasfaras
bid by the Association they could not complain if they facedcompeti- tion in the retailmarket. Cars for sale at the former
plans are implemented it would deal favourably withManx Cream-
Isle of Man Dairies was concerned that having rejected the take over
Hamill’s Garage in Derby Square, Douglas listed a heater as a luxury extra!Howthings have changed.
the island’s population. The previous week’s edition of
building their ownMilk Reception Depot and Creamery, and that they intended tomake cheese and other by-products ofmilk. Replying to criticisms of the As-
ownproductinthemosteconomical manner and without the interven- tionof amiddleman. Mr Robinson took it for granted
the Examiner had included an ex- clusiveannouncementthattheMilk
Marketing Association had decid- ed to go ahead with their plans for
sociation’s proposals, the secretary - Mr H. T. Robinson - said that the
plans can be summed up as an at- temptbytheproducertomarkethis
thatManxCreameriesLtd, founded
actiontoensurethatworkstartedat an earlier date. He pointed out that the motion
was not a political issue. It affected unemployed families and depend- antsanditwasamatterof islandde- velopment. Schemes had been put forward
schemes had been submitted by theCouncil. EventheGovernorhad said that schemes in pigeon holes required to be dusted. ‘This island can never be indus-
trialised and God forbid that this beautiful place should ever be,’ he continued. There was a bid to cut out the
of lasting benefit to the tourist in- dustry and in the past two years 17
middlemen in the supply ofmilk to
Numerous licensedhoteliersex- pressedtheirsatisfactionat thesea- son’s revenue, which inmany cases
wasuponthepreviousyear-helped, nodoubtbytheintroductionofSun- day opening. The topicof awinterworkpolicy
wasraisedinDouglasTownCouncil. Despite a frank statement by Al-
Governor’s decision to hold winter works schemes upuntil October 17. Themotion, inthenameofCoun-
derman J. C. Fargher that they had accepted a policy of having nothing
to do with the unemployment situ- ation, thecouncil hadunanimously
acceptedanoticeofmotionexpress- ing deep concern and regret at the
cillorC. E. Burke, urged thatHisEx- cellency should take the necessary
disappointing season.’ These were the comments that
questioned boarding house keep- ers, hoteliers, tradespeopleand the entertainment business. It was disappointing because
most people had expected some- thing better. After the wonderful weatherof 1959areallygoodseason had seemed assured in 1960. The weather and the uncertain-
ty caused by the seamen’s strike in Liverpool were factors which were thoughttohaveaffectedthearrivals. DouglasTownClerk,D.N.Blakey,
summedupthe impressionsgained by IoM Examiner reporters who
was quite satisfied but confirmed that deck chair receipts were down because of the poorerweather.
The island was pulling down the shutters on the 1960 summer sea- sonbymid-September 1960. PeopleonVictoriaPierwereseen
theharbourwithaboat loadofManx Wakes includingpeople involved in the tourismindustryheadingoffon their own end-of-seasonbreak. Thedecorative lightingonDoug-
laspromenadesandinSummerHill Glen were to be terminated three days later on the Sunday. The general verdict on the sea-
waving farewell to the season as a SteamPacket vessel reversedout of Pullingdown the shutters on the summer season son, featuring comments from the tourist trade, was a tad baffling: ‘While it has not been a bad season andmayevenhavebeenafairlygood season, it has nevertheless been a
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