www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Tree planting plans can help island WorkingWeek SPONSORED BY
WorkingWeek asks the ques- tion: if yourbusinesswants to supports the island’senviron- mental targetscancarbonoff- setting help? We all understand the principles, and the potential benefits,ofcarbonoff-setting. Itmeans a company compen- sating for its own carbon out- put by investing in a carbon reduction project, thus mak- ing it ‘carbonneutral’. But howdoes thiswork to- wards supporting the wider goal of the IsleofManGovern- ment, tomake the island car- bonneutral by 2050? Doesplantinga treeonthe other side of the world count towards this? The short an- swer is ‘no’. Answering a question on thesubject inTynwaldinJune this year, Geoffrey Boot, Min-
companyof IsleofMan-based Utmost Wealth Solutions, re- cently announced announce that it has achieved a ‘net ze- ro carbon status in its opera- tions’, going on to explain: ‘Net zero carbon is where the carbon emissions caused by ourorganisationarebalanced out by funding an equivalent amount of carbon savings elsewhere in theworld. ‘The Group has achieved its net zero carbon status through a Tree Buddying Scheme in partnership with CarbonFootprint Limited. As part of the project, the Group has arranged to plant a tree for each of its 960 em- ployees.’ Crucially, in terms of sup- portingtheisland’snetcarbon ambitions,200of thesewillbe planted in the Isle ofMan.
by JulieBlackburn
ister for Environment, Food and Agriculture referred to the Climate ChangeAct 2021, saying: ‘In this Act “Isle of Man removals”, in relation to a greenhouse gas, means re- movals of that gas from the atmosphere due to land use, sea-bed use land-use change orforestryactivitiesintheIsle ofMan... ‘Under this definition the useofoffsettingschemesout- side of the Isle of Man’s terri- torywouldnot be considered ‘Isle of Man removals’ under the Act. The combustion of gas in the Isle of Man would thereforenot be ‘carbonneu- tral’ if it was being offset by activities outside the island.’ Utmost Group, parent
MikeFoy IsleofManchief executiveUtmostGroup
Wealth Solutions is commit- ted to take action to support the Government’s ambitious carbon emission targets.’ l If you know of any areas on theIsleofManthatwouldben- efit fromtreeplanting, please get intouchwithSophieBarr- aclough by emailing Sophie. barraclough@utmostwealth. com.
Mike Foy, Isle of Man chief executive, Utmost Group said: ‘We recognise the role that leading local companies have to play in the global cli- mate agenda and the Utmost Group’s increased scale and position makes focusing on sustainability even more im- portant tous. ‘Weareatapivotalmoment for our planet and Utmost
The company’s statement went on: ‘The Group is work- ing with Carbon Footprint Limitedtosource locations in the IsleofManfornativetrees to be planted inAutumn. ‘Utmost Wealth Solutions would love to hear from any local schools that would be willing to help plant the trees at their premises for environ- mental education.
Supporting charities gives ‘feel-good’ factor
andChris is the official photogra- pher. ‘My 16-year-olddaughter, Cecile, who is in the police cadets, does an awful lot of charity and community stuff– she’s a chip off the oldblock.’ And, likemany peoplewho spend a lot of their lives supporting charities and the local community, Serena reckons she gets outmore than she puts in: ‘I just find it a passion: I think it gives you a feel-good factor,’ she says. l Serena’s Just Giving page is at htt- ps://www.justgiving.com/fundrais- ing/serena-wood4.
was buy paddleboards some and Olivia,my 13 year old, go out on themtogether – it’s fantastic, so peaceful and serene.’ She andMelanie originally be- gan the Paint the PlantationPink event to raise funds to go on charity cycle challenges around theworld. So far they have been toCuba, Cambodia toVietnamandCosta Rica and they are hoping to get to Sri Lanka next September. And of course the family all get roped in. Serena says: ‘I do love to get theminvolved, especially the younger ones: they always come along andhelp at the Plantation event, it’s verymuch a family affair
Isle Listenwith their big four year project and a smaller grantwith Junior Achievement aswell.’ Itmay be an age-old cliché but it still holds true: youonly get out of lifewhat youput in andSerena (pictured left) has a life about as packed full as you can get. She liveswithher partner, Chris, has five children, aged fromthir- ties down to 13, alongside her full-You time role as a managerwithin the investment teamat Zurich, and still fits in lots of physical activities. ‘The best thing I did last year
themoneywent to theManxBreast Cancer Support Group.Mymother and grandmother bothhadbreast cancer so I’ve always been an av- id supporter: I think they do a brilliant jobby providing such an excellent Breast Unit on the island.’ ‘Aquarter of themon- eywas going toBridge theGap for themtouse for a nurse tohelp staff their Pod at the hospital and a quarter toAlzheimer’s towards staffing their first re- sponse phone line. ‘ZZF alsohave two local grants in the Isle ofMan. They support
Frompage 39
tationPinkmountainbike events for several years, raising a grand total of £18,500 in the process Thiswas one of the achieve- ments that led a colleague at Zurich tonominate Serena for the ZZurich FoundationCommunityCham- pionAward in2018. Shewon the award for thewhole regionof which the Isle ofManwas then a part: the whole of Europe,Middle East and Africa. The prizewasUS$60,000 (around £46,000) whichwent to lo- cal charities, as she explains: ‘I split the prizemoney threeways. Half
ISLE OF MAN SHARE PRICES AS AT 10th September 2021
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1.50 8.00
1.70 8.50
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Strix Group Plc Ord 1p
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