


Tuesday, September 14, 2021 www.iomtoday.co.im



ARIES: 21March – 20April You might feel like giving in this week, when there’s really noneed.TheSun’sface-offwith dreamy Neptune could dupe you into thinking a situation is hopeless when you can easily tackleit.WithMarsmovingin- toLibra, youmaybenefit from the support of others which might enhance self-belief. Re- garding your goals and ambi- tions,abigopportunityawaits. TAURUS: 21 April – 21May Thisweek’sQuarterMooncan inspire you to take a brilliant idea further, andperhaps turn it into a side hustle. This may be something you’re natural- ly good at, only this time you’ll wanttobepaidforyourefforts. Don’t let friendsorbusybodies putdoubtsinyourmind.You’re completelycapableofmakinga success of this, somake a start while enthusiasmis high. GEMINI: 22May – 21 June Mars powers into your leisure zone, which can ramp up your efforts to promote your skills and talents, or to bring more romanceintoyourlife. Ifyou’ve been very busy lately, the chance to indulge in activities you enjoy could recharge you. Theremay be some confusion tocontendwith, but stickwith the facts and don’t let doubts andworries cloud yourmind. CANCER: 22 June – 23 July TheQuarterMooninyour life- style sector brings an oppor- tunity to ring in the changes. Want to be more organised? Then you may be inspired to manage your time better, file your paperwork and enjoy the peaceofmindthat comeswith having everything in order. If you do have to deal withmud- dles, they will likely be other people’s, which could be a tad frustrating. LEO: 24 July – 23August As Mars moves into your sec- toroftalkandthought,you’llbe busywithallkindsofplansand projects,negotiationsandwith seekingoutnewopportunities. Promoteyourbusinessandget your message out to the world by networking with those on your wavelength. Go easy aroundfinances though, as an etherealblendof energiessug- gests a mistake could be quite costly. VIRGO: 24 August – 23 Sep- tember You knowwhat you want, and youknowhowtoget it, sodon’t let anyone else suggest other- wise. If you listen to advice, it will onlymuddythewatersandun- dermine your best intentions. Besides, the very powerful Sun/Pluto aspect can give you thestrengthtooverrideanydu- biouscriticisms.Thiscouldbe a glorious week for you if you focus on a key goal or plan. LIBRA: 24 September – 23Oc- tober This week, assertive Mars moves out of your spiritual sector and into your sign for a

stay of around sixweeks. Your courage could increase, and you’ll find it easier to stand up for yourself rather than try- ing tofit inwithothers. This is particularly important if you feel put upon in any way. You need to draw a firm line, and this week you’ll likely get the chance to do so. SCORPIO: 24October–22No- vember Don’t believe everything you hear, asamisleadingSun/Nep- tune tie could coincide with news or gossip that it’s best to ignore. Spend time with people who you know you can trust. With a potent blend of energies showing up, a collaboration with someone might bring out the best in you and lead to further developments. Ignore thenegativeandembraceasiz- zling opportunity. SAGITTARIUS: 23 November – 21 December As go-getter Mars moves into Libra this week, it enlivens your social life and might in- spire you to get moving on a goal that has been inmind for some time. You’ll have the energy to tack- le it and once you get started, enthusiasmwill build. An op- portunitymay be open to you, but don’t let closeones or fam- ily members talk you out of it. If it seems meant for you, give it a go. CAPRICORN: 22 December – 20 January Trust your intuition this week, especially concerning a schemeordeal thatmaynotbe all that it seems. If your instinctsare tellingyou that something is off, pay at- tention. Mind, with a dynam- ic Sun/Pluto link working to your advantage, there is one offer you really shouldn’t re- fuse. You’ll know it when you see it, and if you sense the po- tential that it holds, then give it awhirl. AQUARIUS: 21 January – 19 February With Mars moving into your sector of far horizons, travel adventures and fresh expe- riences may be on the cards. The comingweeks can inspire you to explore newoptions, as you’ll be enrichedby doing so. Finances might need care though, as with dreamy Nep- tuneonthefieldtherecouldbe some confusion to deal with. Don’t take anything for grant- ed. PISCES: 20 February – 20 March Watch out for mixed mes- sages that could derail a plan or undermine a relationship. The Sun’s opposition to Nep- tune could cause bad feeling, and it might not be your fault. The good news is that a more powerful aspect can override this, andonehonest conversa- tionmaysetthingstorights.As Mars enters an intense zone, it’stimeletgooftheoldandem- brace the new.

‘Though the evidence at an individual level is uncertain, offering the third vaccine to this group has the potential togive themaddedprotectionfromthedisease.’ –PublichealthdirectorDrHenriettaEwart, onthedecisionto offer a thirdvaccine to thosewithweakened immune system. ‘I’msogladthatyoungerchildrenfromtheIsleofManwill nowhave the chance to join our family of Scouts and de- velopskills for life.’ –BearGrylls,ontheformationofanewScout ‘Squirrels’ group for 4-5 year olds in the island ‘IbelieveintheManxpeopleandthoughtitwasonlocalsto tryandre-stampourplaceonthehighstreet’ – Boredroom clothes shop owner Laurence Crookall, on the resurgence of independent retailers onStrandStreet ‘The government should be recommending that people don’t swim in the water. At least let people know so they canmakean informedchoice.’ – JamieBlair,whoorganisedaprotest against thepumpingof rawsewage intoPeel harbour



No 11,273




1. Browned offwith having had plenty to eat? (3,2) 4. Sure all will get a symbol of victory (7) 8.Sendingacircularbytelephone?(7) 9. Machinery in the nursery? (5) 10. Pie taken from11 (4) 11.Top-of-the-billactshouldbeginwith a burial vessel (4,4) 13. I leave the leader to cook (4) 14.Attractivewaytosnubegghead(4) 16. Gave a hug to me returning with support (8) 17. Onwhichone is airborne (4) 20. Teacher or giver (5) 21. Bill using vocal chords? (7) 22.Manyhappy things tosendbackat anniversaries (7) 23. Gave light to about 1001 on the boundary (5)

1. No hardened criminal, but the earli- est towalk the plank, apparently (5,8) 2.Gettingchange for thiscoincouldbe a drain (5) 3. It hurtswhen father is at home (4) 4. Itwouldseemtheycarry littleweight in the theatre (6) 5. Superior joint known toboxers (8) 6. Rubbing out for a long time, cer- tainly (7) 7. Don’t stand for the court’s ruling? (3,2,8) 12. Does he mend broken marriages? (8) 13. The case forminister? (7) 15. Careless enough to shoot wide again? (6) 18. The liquid I omitted touse ispartlya feature of the language (5) 19.Wickedways to live up to! (4)

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Scene-shifter; 7 Denim; 8 Eagle; 9 Dot; 10 Overthrow; 11 Assets; 12 Barrel; 15 Resonance; 17 Goa; 18 Erato; 19 Olive; 21 Led to believe. Down: 1 Sound barrier; 2 Eon; 3 Hamlet; 4 Free trade; 5 Elgar; 6 Let well alone; 7 Dates; 10 Out and out; 13 Rogue; 14 Entomb; 16 Spade; 20 Ill. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Incompetence; 7 Strut; 8 Irony; 9 Pit; 10 Architect; 11 Repose; 12 Falter; 15 Effective; 17 Ado; 18 China; 19 Peril; 21 Intelligibly. Down: 1 Inexperience; 2 Mar; 3 Entice; 4 Eliminate; 5 Close; 6 Mysteriously; 7 Set up; 10 Associate; 13 Trail; 14 Dispel; 16 Feign; 20 Rug. Solutions to puzzle 11,272

Last week’s winner: Rhona Settery, Port Erin


Across 1. Bore (5) 4. Feign (7) 8. Strew (7) 9. Lock of hair (5)

Down 1. Impartial (13) 2. Angry (5) 3. Tardy (4) 4. Travesty (6) 5. Earnest request (8) 6. Hermit (7) 7. Irreverent (13) 12. Enmesh (8) 13. Stupid (7) 15. Keenness (6) 18. Heave upwards (5) 19. Island (4)

10. Require (4) 11. Sticking (8) 13. Penalty (4) 14. Inflamed eyelid (4) 16. Way in (8) 17. Fashionable (4) 20. Strap (5) 21. Breed of dog (7) 22. Perceive (7) 23. Laud (5)

FIRST NAME…………………... SURNAME……………………….... ADDRESS……………………………………………………….......... ……………………………………………………………….............. ……………………………………………………………….............. E-MAIL………………………………………………………............... DAYTIME TEL…………………. MOBILE TEL……………………...... Isle of Man Newspapers, publishers of the Isle of Man Examiner, Manx Independent and Isle of Man Courier, directly or via their agents, may mail, SMS or phone you with offers reflecting your preferences. Tick if you don’t want offers from us or third parties. By supplying your email address and mobile number, you are happy to receive offers via email/SMS.

PRIZE CROSSWORD There’s a prize of £15 for the sender of the first correct solution to the cryptic clues crossword opened after the closing date. Send your entry, with the form on the right, to Cowley Groves Crossword No Isle of Man Examiner, Peel Road, Douglas, IM1 5PZ. Entries must be received by Midday on Friday. Rules 1. No employees of IOM Newspapers, Cowley Groves or their families are eligible to enter the competition. 2, No responsibility is accepted for lost, delayed, damaged, incomplete or illegible entries howsoever caused. Proof of posting is not proof of delivery. 3, The promoter’s decision is final, no correspondence will be entered into. 11,273

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