www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
business@iomtoday.co.im HSBC’s Sue Fox makes it onto role model list
UK TO OVERHAUL PRIVACY RULES IN POST-BREXIT DEPARTURE FROMGDPR Britain will attempt to move awayfromEuropeandatapro- tection regulations as it over- hauls its privacy rules after Brexit, the government has announced. The freedom to chart its own course could lead to an end to irritating cookie popups and consent requests online, said the culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, ashecalledforrules based on ‘common sense, not box-ticking’. But any changes will be con- strained by the need to of- fer a new regime that the EU deems adequate, otherwise datatransfersbetweentheUK andEUcouldbe frozen. Dowden said: ‘Now that we have left the EU I’m de- termined to seize the op- portunity by developing a world-leadingdatapolicythat will deliver a Brexit dividend forindividualsandbusinesses across theUK. https://www.theguardian. com/technology/2021/aug/26/ uk-to-overhaul-privacy-rules- in-post-brexit-departure- from-gdpr PHILIPS HUE PARTNERS WITH SPOTIFY TO TURN ALL YOUR LIGHTS INTO AMUSIC VISUALIZER Ifyou’vegotahomefullofHue lights, there’saneasynewway to set the mood for your next party. Signify, which makes the PhilipsHue line, ispartnering withSpotifysothatyour light- bulbs can automatically sync up with whatever music you have playing, changing color andflashingalongtothebeat. There are already plenty of ways to sync your lights to music — including Signify’s
Sue Fox, chief executive of- ficer of HSBC in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man has beenrecognised for the third time in the HERoes Women ExecutiveRoleModel List for her efforts in creating amore diverse and inclusive work- place. The list is compiled by INvolve, a global network championing diversity and inclusion inbusiness. It showcases leaders around the world and across multiple industries who are driving change for gender di- versity in theworkplace. Sue is a global ambas- sador for HSBC Balance, a programme that promotes gender diversity across the firm. She hosts regular ‘AskMe Anything’ sessions for more than1,000staff, tohelpcreate an open, inclusive and trans- parentworking culture. This year she hosted a vir- tual panel event for Interna- tional Women’s Day, sharing herownexperienceof climb- ing the executive ladder in a male dominated sector. ‘Sue is also the lead exec- utive sponsor of HSBC’s Di- versity and Inclusion Allies group, which works to ce- ment an inclusive culture at the Bank. NO, IT’S NOT TOO EARLY TO START THINKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS... Junior Achievement Isle of Man is looking for local resi- dents and businesses across the island to take part in a competitiontoproducea ‘liv- ingAdvent calendar’. Participants are invited to create amazing Christmas- themedwindows. A new window will be revea l ed each ni ght on the 24 days leading up to Christmas. Members of the public will have the chance to pur-
by Simon Robinson simon@voodoo.im
own Hue Sync app — but those methods typically re- quire letting an app or some external hardware listen in on everything you’re playing. This new partnership avoids that by letting theHue Bridge tapdirectly intoSpotify tosee what’s playing once you’ve linked your accounts. ht t p s : / /www. t he ve r ge . com/2021/9/1/22650896/hue- spotify-music-sync-integra- tion JAMES DYSON AWARD 2021: DEVICE THAT PREVENTS CRITICAL BLOOD LOSS FROM STABWOUNDWINS UK DESIGN PRIZE Adevicethatusessiliconebal- loons tostempotentially fatal bleeding from stab wounds has been awarded the UK JamesDysonAward for 2021. The REACT device, which stands for Rapid Emergency ActuatingTamponade, isused to stemblood loss by holding it tothewoundandsqueezing its trigger. The device inserts a silicone balloon tamponade –themedical termforablock- age – into the cavity, which inflates to prevent internal bleeding. Thedevicecalculateswhether the wound is surrounded by muscle, fat ororgansdepend- ingon its locationonthebody and automatically inflates to apply the required pressure for its size anddepth. https://inews.co.uk/news/ technology/ james-dyson- award -202 1 -wi nne r- uk- design-price-device-pre- vent-blood-loss-1165322
chase a booklet detailing the locations and dates of the reveals. The overall winner of the
bestwindowwillwinatrophy and a £250 cash prize either for themselvesor foracharity of their choice.
Tofindouthowyoucanget involved email Sue Cook sue- cook@jaiom.imorcall666266 (spaces are limited).
£1.15m farm for sale
Greycot, TheColony, Port Lewaigue,Maughold
stunning detached accom- modation set in the very de- sirableMaugholdlocationof theColony. Beautifully presented throughout and sitting in immaculategardens it isone themarket for £565,000. 2 MEAYLL DRIVE, BALLAKIL- LEY, PORT ST MARY Theproperty isMeayllDrive is a stunningly presented
‘Maple style’ family home in the desirable location of the moderndevelopmentofBal- lakilley. Thereargardenhasbeen
BallayelseFarm, Ronague
Ballayelse Farm in Ronague isonthemarket for£1.15mil- lion. The detached new-build sixbedroom,five-bathroom, three-receptionfamilyhome is in a private location with stunning south-facing rural anddistant sea views. There is also stables, a workshop and garaging all
set in five acres of land in a sunnylocationwithnodirect close neighbours. Email Ian Lloyd ian@ maxmove.im for more in- formation. GREYCOT, THE COLONY, PORT LEWAIGUE, MAUGHOLD Greycot is a 1908 Edward- ian country cottage offering
landscapedandthe interior is a credit to the present owner. It has been recently re- duced to £449,950 by the owner. RAMSEY PROPERTYWANTED WITH BUYERSWAITING Manxmovecurrentlyhasbuy- ers waiting for the following properties inRamsey:
l Three to four bedroomed detached house in good or- der with gardens and garage £450,000 - £500,000 l Three-bed semi-detached with garden - £325,000. l Detached bungalow with three bedrooms and garden £375,000. ContactManxmoveon619966 or info@manxmove.im
2Meayll Drive, Ballakilley
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