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help and support in a digital world
Rockfield Digital
Social media isn’t there to impress it’s there to make an impact.
And that’s exactly what we intend to do.
Make an impact, shout loudly about you, your products and services, elevate you to a higher plane. Take on the competition head on and make a name for yourselves in a socially acceptable manner, with a single aim, to get you noticed.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Click this, open that, enter your password, again!
Modern life can be so frustrating. Simply opening up an email can drive you clean round the bend. But setting up a social media campaign, designing your message, running it, measuring the results and repeating, now that really can be a daunting task. Our team of Social Workers are dedicated to taking care of every aspect, leaving you the time to concentrate on the real object of business, making money.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
The most precious resource we can ever have is time. We’re all busy. Busy trying to succeed. Busy trying to make money by doing the things that we excel at. Running a business can be extremely stressful and yes, time consuming. Our team of Social Workers give you more precious time, easing the stress, taking care of your social media channels and releasing you to concentrate on the business of makingmoney.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
The more people who see your offers, the more they are likely to buy. And the more time you spend on getting your offer right, there’s an even higher probability that you’ll sell evenmore. Our team of Social Workers help you to reach out to thousands of potential customers, displaying your goods and services across numerous social media channels.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Reach more people & sell more stuff ... simple!
Our team of Social Workers concentrate heavily on getting your message in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Whether you’re selling sand to the Arabs, or coals to Newcastle, it’s all the same to us, because we concentrate on selling your products to your customers We all know that the more people who see your products and services, the more who come to visit you and buy.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
The number one unwritten rule of success.
Networks are like viruses. They grow with a compound effect. The more people we talk to, themore who talk to us and about us. Our messages have the ability to fly. Building and securing a strong network of customers is what our Social Workers pride themselves upon, nurturing them, encouraging development and managing growth.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Everyone is NOT your customer.
Our Social Workers do just that, matching potential buyers with the products and services you have to offer and ignoring those who have no intention of ever buying from you. Lets be clear here, most people don't want to buy from you, for millions of reasons. The trick is to find the ones who either want or need what you’re offering, then let them know about you.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Growth and profit are a product of how well people work together. More profit from more sales, that’s why we’re here and quite possibly the reason you’ve read this far, right? Working together with the common aims of achieving more sales, hitting targets and yes, makingmore profit, is what we're all about.
Lets face it “nobody we know goes to work just to wear their old shoes out”
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Take control or it will forever control you.
Your budget is a pile of money, designed for one specific reason and one reason only, “to make you more money”. Controlling that budget is the single most important aspect of any marketing plan. Our Social Workers work with you advising and assisting in budgetary planning, making certain that every single penny is spent well, without exception.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Delegation and communication are the keys to success.
Delegation without abdication is the perfect way to manage your business. When you are secure in the knowledge that someone is taking care of important yet sometimes mundane tasks, you’re guaranteed to find more time for the things that make youmore efficient, and profitable.
Our Social Workers do just that and you can be assured that we’re in your corner.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Remember a time when you could talk to a real person.
Real people, real conversations, real questions and answers.
Our team of Social Workers specialise in talking to people, discussing real issues, formulating plans and coming up with simple solutions to what sometimes seem to be complex problems. Every client has their very own Social Worker, dedicated to them and yes, they’re available to talk either on the phone or in person.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation.
Working closely with you, our dedicated team of Social Workers will develop a strategy to deliver a series of bespoke tactical campaigns, tailored to your exact needs. By analysing your previous successes, what’s worked very well, what hasn’t worked as well, we can get a clear picture of how to develop and access your market potential.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Everything begins with an idea, but ideas are nothing unless executed. “I wish I'd thought of that,“ we’ve all said it haven’t we and sometimes the very best ideas are the simplest. Well we’ve been coming up with great ideas for well over twenty five years, sharing podiums with some of the most creative minds in the business, but without the time and ability to execute those ideas, they are worthless.
Our team of Social Workers do just, that turning those ideas in to action.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Without a pilot, a helicopter is just a very expensive piece of metal.
Taking on an expert, or in our case a team, is a guarantee that you’re going tomove forward.
Our wealth of experience, depth of knowledge and hands on approach in all things social, will help you realise your true potential, increase you worth and develop your own knowledge base.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
There are three resposes to design, yes, no, and “WOW!” And “WOW” is the one that we always aim for !It’s a well known fact, that less than 2% of all advertising is read, let alone taken in, inwardly digested and acted upon.
Our first job is to get you noticed. By getting noticed your chances of success increase ten fold.
We pride ourselves on creating work that standsout, screaming the benefits of your business
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
You cannot improve what you do not measure.
Constantly striving to improve is a vital quality in all walks of life. No more so than in business, Without measuring results, what works and what doesn’t, we can never learn fromour experiences or mistakes. Our team of Social workers take care of every single aspect of your social media campaigns, by delivering a series of accurate measurements, individually tailored to increase your chances of future success.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
It's a boring mundane job but somebody needs to do it.
And we love it. Why?
Well its because it gives us answers to questions, provides us with knowledge that our team of Social Workers put to great use when managing budgets, taking care of campaigns and delivering success.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, so we’re not buying! But what we will do is agree tomeet up, talk through your social needs, give you an honest assessment of how social media can work (or not ) for you. Once we’ve got a clear picture, our team of Social Workers will formulate a proposal that fits well within your budgets, taking in to account your expectations of growth and future profits.
There are no expectations on our part and there is absolutely no obligation on yours.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
How much is this lot going to cost?
It's an obvious question to ask and the answer is, that it all depends upon you, and your aspirations.
As a finite resource, we pride ourselves on offering value for money, delivering results and creating lasting relationships with a number of hand picked clients.
A philosophy that has stood us in good stead since well before the end of the last century.
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Someone once said that “Success comes from curiosity.”
If you truly are interested in looking in to the possibilities of developing your business through social media, Simply email us by clicking the link below, or if you’re of a certain age and prefer to us the phone why not call us?
Either way we’d love to hear from you
Rockfield Digital help and support in a digital world
Rockfield Digital part of the Rockfield Media Group est. 1996
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