www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
GENERAL ELECTION ficer, responsible for arts, li- braries, museums and sports services for local authorities in thewest of Scotland. CARBON: As soon as prac- ticable, stop burning gas for power generation or heating our homes. SOCIAL CARE: Probably, depending on the detail. Oth- er taxes and ways of generat- ing government revenuemay beappropriatetoo.Anytaxin- creases for any purposemust beappliedfairlyandnottarget those on low incomes. COVID: It is not evident that any extrameasures need to be introduced. Take up is
fective andmore accountable inmyviewifthenumberofau- thoritiesisreducedtonomore thanfivr.
paymentsshouldapplytoeve- ryoneandbaseduponincome. COVID: Educat ion in schools and colleges, in sci- ence and PHSE lessons given only by science teachers or to adults by professionals such as community nurses and doctors. How vaccines work is poorly understood. ONE GOVT CUT: Do not replace anyoneuntil the start of theNEXT ‘term’ in January orSeptemberandthenonly if they are essential and update jobdescriptions. CANNABIS:Yesandno!No oneshouldbebroughttocourt for personal use. Yes they should be cautioned because cannabis remains illegal. Young people with cigarettes likewise. LOCAL GOVT: 21! By all means allow local authorities to merge to perform certain functions more efficiently such as refuse collection and the arranging of joint events. LEGCO:Thepublic/anyone shouldbeabletonominatean MLC and a vote asking for ap- proval of candidates could be takenat theGeneralElection. Thosewiththemost votesare in but it may be necessary to havedifferentcategories.Less than 50% should have fixed termappointments tofill spe- cific specialist roles. BISHOP: Only on spiritual and ethicalmatters. ABORTIONREFORM: Yes. EQUALMARRIAGE:Either civil partnerships or mar- riage, not both. ASSISTEDDYING: Only in a narrow number of specific instances and with checks in place to prevent coercion. YOUNG PEOPLE: Tow the Isle of Man off the coast of Brighton! FIRST-TIME BUYERS: As- sessneedforhousingtypeand numberoncethe2021Census results have been analysed andthenumberof vacantand rentalpropertiesofeachland- lordineachLAisascertained. Determine housing need ac- cording to LA consultation with residents. Build more LA houses of varying sizes for rent/ rent to buy on five-year renewable leases according to need in eachLA. Don’t build for off is- land Investors to rent out as it sucks money out of the local economy. SPEED LIMIT: Absolutely NOT! Use variable speed lim- itsthatvarywithweathercon- ditions and traffic density. AIRLINE: Of course! We had one Manx Airlines. (Edi- tor’s note, Manx Airlines was a private company. It was not nationalised.) CHIEFMINISTER:Me! AFGHANS:Manywillhave specialist skills that we are shortof suchasdoctors,nurs- es, teachers, etc. We should offer as many refuge as can be assimilated into the work- force, rememberingmostwill not remainpermanently. LEGLISLATION:TheWild- life Bill to include the moun- tainhare.
GBPARTY: Green. BREXIT:Maybe! KNEE: Noway I would be a WRITER: Shakespeare. HERO: NelsonMandela.
keep it under review. ABORTION: Abortion law wasinneedofurgentreformat thetimebutwasdisappointed to see that it didnot formpart of the Government’s agenda and instead was advanced as a privatemember’s Bill. EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTED DYING: No, not unless there is a general change in medical ethics law and practice within the Brit- ish Isles especially General Medical Council Rules which governs medical practice on the island. Such a law is fraughtwithdifficulty so I be- lieve it is best the island is not anoutlier in this regard. HOWWOULDYOUEN- COURAGEYOUNGPEOPLE TORETURN?Growing the size and scope of the econo- my, implementmeasures to develop affordable accom- modation, stimulate the leisure and entertainment industry aswell as improve air travel on and off the is- land. FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: The problems here arise because of supply and de- mand. Development has to be sensitiveandavoiddistorting the market which is why I do not favour the four proposals above. There is a lack of suitable first time-buyeraccommoda- tion. I believe that a combina- tionofmeasures allowing the conversion of vacant office space (some 300,000 square feetandrising) toapartments coupled with designation of government owned brown- field sites for first time buyer is likely to address the issue for the foreseeable future. SPEED LIMIT: Yes. Car ownership coupled with the increasedpowerandspeedof carsmeansthismeasure isre- quired in the interests of road safety. AIRLINE: Yes, but only to ownkeyairportslotstosecure our vital air routes to the UK and Ireland. The operational responsibility tobedelegated to an existing carrier. CHIEF MINISTER: The person whose policies are most aligned to the policies supportedbymyconstituents and a person who is a team player and listens. AFGHANS: A donation from government towards helping the Afghans is the rightway forward. The island isnot gearedupto takingcare of the complex needs of refu- gees and should not merely dip its toe into the refugee is- sue without considering the downstream consequences properly.TheUKhasboththe resourcesandthelegal frame- work to deal with this issue. LEGISLATION: Local au- thority reform. GB PARTY: I don’t belong to a party and prefer being independent. I believe that some matters are best left to the state whilst others can be left to the market. That too
ONEGOVTCUT:Manyser- vices within the Department of Infrastructure would be more cost effective if run as agencies at arm’s length from government: Eg. Bus Vannin; highways; housing. CANNABIS: Subject to public consultation being in favour, cannabis should be legalised, regulated and li- censed for use by over 18s. No-one should have a crimi- nal recordforusingcannabis. LOCAL GOVT: Making de- cisions on local authority re- form is long overdue. Local services will be more cost ef-
professional athlete!
Douglas Central
EQUALMARRIAGE: Yes. ASSISTEDDYING: Yes. YOUNGPEOPLE:Byallow- ingthemtobeeligibleforfirst time buyers’ schemes / social housing; improvingchildcare services; opportunities to im- prove education / trade qual- ifications and develop new skills. FIRST-TIMEBUYERS: Planning regs need to be relaxed to make it easier to convert shopsandoffices into residential accommodation. First time buyers’ schemes need to be updated to keep pace with property inflation and allow people requiring new homes due to relation- shipbreakdown to be eligible too. SPEED LIMIT: We should have a public consultation on this. I have no firm views ei- therway. AIRLINE: Too early to say, butprobablynot.Onlyif itwas themost cost-effectiveway of securing key routes. CHIEF MINISTER: An electedMHK.Onewithadraft Programme for Government that themajorityofMHKscan support. Ifpressedforaname right now, I’d vote for Lawrie Hooper, if we’re both elected. AFGHANS: We should be prepared to contribute to all UK refugee resettlement schemes pro rata by popula- tion. We should also ensure thatManxresidents aregiven more support to access social housing and waiting lists are substantiallyreduced.Wecan and shoulddo both. LEGISLATION: Assisted dying. GB PARTY: Liberal Demo- crats. Iamamemberof theUK Liberal Democrats as well as Liberal Vannin. BREXIT: No. As predicted, Brexit is proving harmful to the UK and was against the best interests of the island. KNEE: Yes, to show sup- port for my colleagues of col- our and to send a message to the wider public that racism in sport and wider society is not acceptable and must be challenged. WRITER: J.G. Ballard. HERO: I don’t have a po- litical ‘hero’ as such, but pol- iticians I admire include: Jacinda Ardern, Barack Oba- ma, CharlesKennedy,Mahat- maGhandi. MADELEINEWESTALL Occupation (before poli- tics) Secondary teacher of biology and environmental systems and societies CARBON: Replace the gas turbine electricity generator atPulrosewithsolarfieldsand provide household solar pan- els for all. SOCIAL CARE: No. It should be paid for by a rise in National Insurance and NI
DAMIANCIAPPELLI OCCUPATION: Advocate CARBON: Reduce reliance oncarusebydramatically im- proving bus timetabling and availability consistent with commuting patterns on the island. Buses tobe lowcost or no cost and use eco-friendly buses. SOCIAL CARE: I do not believe this is necessary. In- stead, I believe that the gov- ernment should improve the management of finances, eliminate wasteful spending and develop the economy to boost funding for social care before considering tax rises. COVID: I believe that pub- lic health information should continue tobemadeavailable inprint, onlineandat thedoc- tors’ surgery. Ibelieve inindi- vidualchoiceandconsentand wouldnot supportcompulso- ry vaccination. ONE GOVT CUT: I would advocate not replacing peo- plewho leave, retire orwhose fixed term contract comes to anend. Recruitment of exist- ing posts to be shelvedunless there is a compelling case for the role. CANNABIS: I think pre- senting the question in this wayoversimplifies thepoten- tial legislativeoptionshere - it is not simply a binary choice. Cannabis use has clearly be- come more commonplace in our society and I believe that weneedtoreviewthelawhere and explore options to reflect that usage whilst ensuring that we protect the public in- terest. LOCAL GOVT: A gener- al view is forming that there should be five: north, south, east, west and Douglas au- thorities. I tendtoagree that’s about right. LEGCO:Weshouldhavean independent revision cham- ber inTynwald. I thinkpublic electioncould leadtounhelp- ful conflict with the House or Keys with each Chamber claiming to have a mandate from the people. The current arrangementsarenotperfect but in principle we have got it right perhaps with further adjustmentstobemadetothe selectionprocess later. BISHOP: TheBishop’s role isnowsomethingof ananom- alynowalthoughtheposition wasretainedbyarelativelyre- cent vote of theHouse of Keys when itwas last considered. I donot believe this is themost pressing matter of constitu- tional reform so would not pursueimmediatechangebut
House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September DOUGLAS SOUTH House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September DOUGLAS SOUTH
House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September DOUGLAS SOUTH
Vote Vote
House of Keys General Election, Thursday 23rd September DOUGLAS SOUTH House of Keys Gen r l l i , r y 23rd September
MALTBY Sarah MALTBY Sarah MALTBY Sarah M Y Sarah MALTBY Sarah Published by Sarah Maltby, 13 Elderberry Rise, Saddlestone, Douglas / Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas / Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020 FOR AN ISLAND STRONG & FAIR Published by Sarah Maltby, 13 Elderberry Rise, Saddlestone, Douglas / Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas / Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020 FOR AN ISLAND STRONG & FAIR Vote V t
Published by Sarah Maltby, 13 Elderberry Rise, Saddlestone, Douglas / Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas / Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020
Published by Sarah Maltby, 13 Elderberry Rise, Saddlestone, Douglas / Printed by The Copyshop, Douglas / Elections (Keys and Local Authorities) Act 2020 Published by Sarah Maltby, 13 Elderberry Ris , Saddlestone, Douglas / Printe y The Copyshop, Douglas / Elections (Keys and Local uthorities) Act 2020
House of Keys General Election - Thursday 23rd September 2021 AYRE & MICHAEL - VOTE JOHNSTON
Standing up for Ayre and Michael. Standing up for our Island.
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