www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Telephone 670000 notices@iomtoday.co.im
Advert ID:WIM360654 28.111 mm by160 mm Booking Code:WIM360654 Customer ID:Freeport Trust Company Limited Colour:1 HEREBY GIVEN THAT PURSUANT TO Section 224 of the Companies Act 1931 that a Final General Meeting of the Members of the above company will be held at 4 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LD on the 16th October 2021 at 12 p.m. or at any adjournment thereof for the purpose of having the accounts laid before them and to receive the Liquidator’s report showing how the winding up of the company has been IN THE MATTER OF SHELBOURNE LIMITED AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1931-2004 NOTICE IS
Advert ID:WIM360657 28.111 mm by150 mm Booking Code:WIM360657 Customer ID:Cavendish Trust Company Colour:1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 224 of the Companies Act 1931 as applicable by CA 2006 Section 182 that a General Meeting of the Members of the Company will be held at 34 North Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 4LB on 14th October 2021 at 10:30 am for the purpose of having an account laid befo e them and to receive the Liquidators report showing how the winding up of the Company has been conducted and its IN THE MATTER OF COMPANIES ACTS 2006 V1 AVIATION LEASING LTD COMPANY NO: 011316V (“THE COMPANY”) MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION
COMPANIES ACT 2006 FJORD LIMITED COMPANY NUMBER: 002756V (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members held on 8th September 2021, that the following Special Resolution was duly passed: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Richard Orton be appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up.” NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the creditors of the above name company are NOTICE IS
Braddan Parish Commissioners Notice to ProspectiveTenants r ris issi rs ti t r s ti ts
The Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 In The Matter of Capita Services (Isle of Man) Limited (Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 224 of the Companies Act 1931 (as applied by Section 182 of the Companies Act 2006), that a General Meeting of the Members of the above named company will be held at Rose House, 51-59 Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man on the 18 October 2021 at 10am precisely for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that might be given by the Liquidator, and also of determining by Resolution the manner in which the Books, Accounts and Documents of the company and of the Liquidator, shall be disposed of. Dated the 8th day of September 2021 a ies ct 2006 In The atter f a ita ervices (Isle f a ) i ite ( e ers’ l tary i i ati ) Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 26 ISLE OF MAN TRUSTEE ACT,1961 (as amended, 2001) that any person having a claim against or an interest in th estate of Lilian Hazel Bowen of 54 Cronk Cullyn, Colby, is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his claim or interest to Gary William Pearn of 3 Chapel Lane, Buckover, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8QL, UK and to send such particulars before the 16th November 2021 in r lation to Lilian Hazel Bowen or her estate, after whi h date the personal representatives will distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice and will not, as respects the property so distributed, be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had notice. Advert ID:WIM360659 57.722 mm by60 mm Booking Code:WIM360659 Customer ID:Pearn, Mr Gary Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21
Braddan Parish Commissioners are seeking Expressions of Interest from persons wishing to enter into Heads of Agreement for the leasing of units at their family leisure development at Strang Corner Field which is due to be completed in January 2023. The property includes a full size sports hall,suitable for sports such as five-a-side, badminton, netball and basketball and will be managed by the Commissioners. The Units available lend themselves to a number of businesses but discussions could be held with those not on the list but meet their intended purpose of family centred or health related. These areas would suit: • Coffee shop/eating establishment (for 100 covers) • Pharmacy • Soft play area • Gym and/or exercise studio • Optician and/or Therapy Suite • Dental Practice • Children’s nursery (up to 40 children) There is sufficient time to discuss the internal layouts to meet the needs of the prospective tenants. Detailed information about each of the units can be obtained from the Commissioners’ Office. Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 15th October 2021. Contact: J CWhiteway MBA Braddan Parish Commissioners Close Corran Union Mills Braddan Parish o issioners are seeking Expressions of Interest from persons ishing to enter into eads of gree ent for the leasing of units at their family leisure development at Strang Corner Field which is due to be completed in January 2023. he property includes a full size sports hall,suitable for sports such as five-a-side, badminton, netball and basketball and ill be anaged by the o issioners. he nits available lend the selves to a nu ber of businesses but discussions could be held ith those not on the list but eet their intended purpose of fa ily centred or health related. These areas would suit: • offee shop/eating establish ent (for 100 covers) • Phar acy • Soft play area • y and/or exercise studio • ptician and/or herapy Suite • ental Practice • hildren’s nursery (up to 40 children) here is sufficient ti e to discuss the internal layouts to eet the needs of the prospective tenants. etailed infor ation about each of the units can be obtained fro the o issioners’ Office. Expressions of Interest ust be sub itted by 5p on Friday 15th ctober 2021. Contact: J hite ay BA Braddan Parish o issioners Close orran Union Mills
Advert ID:WIM360630 28.111 mm by130 mm Booking Code:WIM360630 Customer ID:Crowe Morgan Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Email your notice to notices@iomtoday.co.im E a u n to noti es iomt co. m COMPANY NO: 088346C COMPANIES ACTS 1931 - 2004 IN THE MATTER OF BARRMILL LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in pursuance of Section 224 (2) of the Companies Act 1931 that a General Meeting of the above Company will be held at 8 St. George’s Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AH on the 11th October 2021 at 10.00 am, for the purpose of having an account laid before the members showing the manner in which the winding up of the Company has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanations that should be given by the Liquidator and also of determining the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company and of the Liquidator shall be disposed of. A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. Dated this 9/9/21 J Costello LIQUIDATOR IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES (TRANSFER OF DOMICILE) ACT 1998 PART 1 (AS AMENDED) OF THE ISLE OF MAN AND IN THE MATTER OF PART IXA OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (RE-DOMICILIATION) REGULATIONS 1996 AS AMENDED OF GIBRALTAR, MARSA HOLDINGS LIMITED A COMPANY PRESENTLY REGISTERED IN GIBRALTAR COMPANY NUMBER: 58101 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the above legislation that the above named Company having its registered office in Gibraltar at suites 7B & 8B, 50 Town Range, Gibraltar, GX111AA intends to cease to be registered in Gibraltar and to make an application to be registered in the Isle of Man, under the name, “Marsa Holdings Limited” and to have its registered office address at 1st Floor, Peregrine House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5EH By order of the Board 2021 For and on behalf of “FINSBURY SECRETARIES LIMITED” as Secretary of the Company e Isle f a otice is hereby given, pursuant to ection 224 of the o panies ct 1931 (as applied by ection 182 of the o panies ct 2006), that a eneral eeting of the e bers of the above na ed co pany ill be held at ose ouse, 51-59 ircular oad, ouglas, Isle of an on the 18 ctober 2021 at 10a precisely for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that ight be given by the Liquidator, and also of determining by Resolution the anner in hich the ooks, ccounts and Docu ents of the co pany and of the Liquidator, shall be disposed of. ated the 8th day of epte ber 2021 aul uffy Liquidator THE COMPANIES ACT 2006 WHITE FANG LIMITED Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the above-named Company will be held at Jubilee Buildings, Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man on 18 October 2021 at 10.00am for the purpose of having an account laid before the members and to receive the Liquidator’s report showing how the winding-up of the Company has been conducted and its property disposed of and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidator. Members entitled to attend and vote at the above-mentioned meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. A proxy need not be a member. Dated: 9 September 2021 Jill Dorothy Turner Liquidator concluded and hearing of any explanations that may be given by the Liquidator and also of determining the manner in which the books and papers of the company may be disposed of. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the above mentioned meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him and such proxy need not also be a member. Note : This notice is purely formal. All Creditors have been or will be paid in full George Stephen Hull Liquidator Dated: 14th September 2021 IN THE MATTER OF COMPANIES ACTS 2006 HFG AIR LTD COMPANY NO: 008648V (“THE COMPANY”) MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 224 of the Companies Act 1931 as applicable by CA 2006 Section 182 that a General Meeting of the Members of the Company will be held at 34 North Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 4LB on 14th October 2021 at 10 am for the purpose of having an account laid before them and to receive the Liquidators report showing how the winding up of the Company has been conducted and its property disposed of and the hearing of any explanations that may be given by the Liquidator and also determining the manner in which the books and papers of the Company be disposed of. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the above mentioned meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him and such proxy need not also be a member. K Walls Liquidator Dated this 10th day of September 2021 property disposed of and the hearing of any explanations that may be given by the Liquidator and also determining the manner in which the books and papers of the Company be disposed of. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the above mentioned meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him and such proxy need not also be a member. K Walls Liquidator Dated this 10th day of September 2021 required on or before 20th September 2021 to send their names and addresses (and of their Advocates, if any) to the undersigned Richard Orton, Liquidator of the said company and if so required by notice in writing by the said Liquidator, to prove their said debts and claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they shall be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved. Dated this 10th September 2021. Richard Orton Liquidator N.B. This notice is purely formal. A Declaration of Solvency has been filed and all known creditors have been or will be paid in full. PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE THE LICENSING ACT 1995 (as amended) IN THE LICENCING COURT. Notice is hereby given that on 14th October 2021 at 10am application will be made to the Licensing Court, Deemsters Walk, Douglas, by 1886 Limited under the on-licence held in respect of 1886 Regent Street, Douglas, for the grant of an occasional licence for the sale by re ail of liquor with a provision for providing live music singing and dancing in a marquee and a delineated area of land known as Villiers Square, Douglas between Saturday 28th May between midday and Sunday 12th June 2022, daily betweenmidday andmidnight Plans of the proposed location have been lodged with the office of the High Bailiff and may be i spected during working hours. Any person wishing to make and objection with respect to this application may appear and be heard in person or by an advocate on the hearing of the application, provided that not less than 7 days before the date of the hearing he/she had lodged with the Office of the High Bailiff, a statement in writing on the grounds of his/her objection and served a copy on the applicant at the address below 1886. Regent Street, Douglas. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF A LIQUIDATOR UNDER SECTION 105 OF THE PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1996 GEBOP INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP L.P. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) L.P. NO. 151 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 105, of the Partnership Act, 1996 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 25 August 2021. The Liquidator is Eldon Solomon of Palm Grove House, P.O. Box 438, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 8th day of September 2021 Eldon Solomon Voluntary Liquidator Advert ID:WIM360645 28.111 mm by140 mm Booking Code:WIM360645 Customer ID:Sovereign Trust Iom Ltd Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Advert ID:WIM360656 28.111 mm by140 mm Booking Code:WIM360656 Customer ID:Cavendish Trust Company Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Paul Duffy Liquidator Advert ID:WIM360652 28.111 mm by100 mm Booking Code:WIM360652 Customer ID:Equiom (Isle Of Man) Ltd Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Advert ID:WIM360658 28.111 mm by160 mm Booking Code:WIM360658 Customer ID:Suntera (IOM) Limited Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Advert ID:WIM360671 28.111 mm by90 mm Booking Code:WIM360671 Customer ID:Iq Eq Colour:1 First Appearance:14/09/21 Last Appearance:14/09/21 Advert ID:WIM360670 57.722 mm by80 mm Booking Code:WIM360670 Customer ID:Event Management Solutions Ltd. Colour:1
Braddan IM4 4LZ Phone: 852808 Email: colin@braddan.im Braddan IM4 4LZ Phone: 852808 E ail: colin braddan.im
Onchan District Commissioners hereby give notice that from 3rd July 2021 the Onchan District Commissioners Off-Street Parking Orders 2021 came in to effect. istri t issi rs ere y give tice that from 3rd July 2021 the Onchan District Commissioners Off-Street Parking Orders 2021 ca e i t effect.
The following location will now be subject to parking restriction and enforcement; • Onchan Park car parks 1 & 2 and the ‘Kick-A-Bout’ area • Parking bay at the rear ofWillow house, ElmTree Road • Car parks at the Commissioners’ offices, Main Road • Car park adjacent to The Hub,Youth and community centre, School Road • Car parks Ballachrink Drive • Parking bays to the rear of even numbered houses, Barrule Drive A copy of these orders are available to view at HawthornVilla, Main Road, Onchan and Harvey Briggs Library, Main Road, Onchan, they are also available to view at onchan.org.im. Ross Phillips Acting Chief Executive/Clerk Onchan District Commissioners 79 Main Road Onchan IM3 1RD he follo ing location ill no be subject to parking restriction and enforce ent; • nchan Park car parks 1 2 and the ‘ ick- - out’ area • Parking bay at the rear of illo house, El ree oad • Car parks at the Commissioners’ offices, Main Road • Car park adjacent to The Hub,Youth and community centre, School oad • ar parks allachrink rive • Parking bays to the rear of even nu bered houses, arrule rive • Parking ays at arion ourt, arion oad co plex • Parking bays at ey ood ourt of illberry oad A copy of these orders are available to vie at a thorn illa, ain oad, nchan and arvey riggs Library, ain oad, nchan, they are also available to vie at onchan.org.i . oss Phillips Acting Chief Executive/Clerk nchan istrict o issioners 79 Main Road nchan I 3 1 • Parking Bays at Marion Court, Marion Road complex • Parking bays at Heywood Court of Hillberry Road
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